“Tell me again how you came to get me”— discussing adoption

Today our dear friend, pediatrician, and mom, Wendy Lee shares insights and personal experience on how to tell your child he is adopted.

My husband and I had waited three long years for “the phone call” letting us know who would become our baby.  Only three short weeks prior to boarding a plane to China, we got the news we would not be bringing just one beautiful girl home from China, but TWO. Twins. We should have known right at that moment we would begin living a life of improvisation.

As with all parenting, there are endless numbers of issues to tackle.  One unique to families formed by adoption is how and when to tell your child he is adopted.  There are many differing opinions on how to do this right, but all agree children should be told.  It wasn’t so long ago that “the experts” deemed it to be psychologically damaging for a child to know about his adoption, and recommended not revealing this information.  Thankfully, things have evolved, and we are faced not with if, but how, to best share the news about adoption.

Just as with many aspects of child rearing, it is often best to take cues from your child.  If your child is younger, as were our girls (thirteen months old at the time we first met them), it is a good time to discuss adoption openly so it takes on a normalcy.  We read a full library of children’s books to them about adoption, and show the girls pictures and videos of our trip over and again.  We speak with them about our “Gotcha Day” (the day we got them and they got us).  And we celebrate this day each year with some of the families who traveled to China and got their daughters on the same day.  We talk about their birth parents in China and celebrate their heritage which, although similar to ours, is not exactly the same (I am Korean, and my husband is Cambodian). 

We gave ourselves a little pat on the back one day when we told our children one of our friends was going to have a baby, and they in turn asked which plane the parents were going to ride to get the baby.  They certainly thought adoption was a normal way to have a baby, but now we were faced with telling them other ways this could happen!  

As children grow, they enter new stages which may require improvisation.  A child’s age and temperament will guide you in your discussions regarding her birth and adoption.  Some children will never have any questions and will be satisfied with the here and now.  Others will have lifelong struggles to try and understand their history.  At certain stages, children will want nothing else but to fit in.  Being adopted, at that point, may set them apart from others and become something they will not want to advertise.  While “Gotcha Day” right now is another opportunity for our girls to have cupcakes, presents, and company, at some point it may be a day that reminds them of what they have lost and how they are different from their friends. They may choose not to celebrate this day any longer.  For some children, curiosity about their birth parents will be all-consuming and for others, it may just bring fleeting thoughts. 

Regardless of the age, stage or temperament of your child, my advice is to be truthful, open, supportive and positive. As your child grows, you will share more information. At some point, probably during his/her adolescence, your child should be given all the information that is known regarding his or her history, even if it may be difficult to share.   Discussions will move from simple explanations to potentially heart-wrenching, tear-ridden sessions where answers aren’t available.  I think whatever reaction your child will have to this part of her past, the longer she has to process it, and the longer you have to deal with your child’s emotions in this regard, the better it will be for all.

Wendy C. Lee, MD, FAAP
General Pediatrician

Presently full-time mama to two beautiful twin girls adopted from China

Anxiously awaiting a third child from Korea

© 2010 Two Peds in a Pod℠


Understanding Asthma, part 1

\allergies triggering asthma
Last week a nurse in my office rushed a one year old girl back to one of my exam rooms. She was sitting in her mom’s lap, anxious and breathing hard. Her nostrils flared with every breath she took, and when I had her mom pull up the child’s shirt, I could see her ribs every time she inhaled because she was using extra muscles in her chest to breathe.  Her belly was moving in and out as well. Her breathing had just become labored an hour before the office visit.  The child had similar experiences in the past and now carries the diagnosis of asthma.

Asthma. Parents initially cringe at the diagnosis. But what is it? Most children with asthma never show up in the office with an attack as severe as the child I described above.

Asthma is a condition where the millions of airway tubes (called bronchioles) throughout the lungs get clogged with mucus (inflammation) and also get narrower (constrict) and thus become harder to breathe through. Medicine reverses the effects of asthma. Think of asthma as sensitive airways.  A nasty cold virus or the billowing dust cloud from cleaning the garage makes everyone’s airway spasm. In kids with asthma, the spasm may be more severe, resulting in more cough or airway tightening.

Asthma is the most common on-going illness in children. Many babies and toddlers who have asthma have a good likelihood of outgrowing it by age three. Another subset of children, again especially below age three, have ONE episode that looks for all the world like asthma, but then they never have another episode.  Other kids have asthma that stays and these kids and their families must proactively manage their asthma long term.

Asthma symptoms can start at any point, from infancy through the teen years. Adults can be diagnosed with asthma for the first time at age fifty.  Dr. Lai has had symptoms of asthma since childhood but Dr. Kardos first had symptoms of asthma when she turned thirty.

The tendency to develop asthma is genetic, but there are environmental triggers in kids who carry the asthma gene. The most common triggers of asthma flares are cold viruses, cigarette smoke, and environmental allergies (animals, pollen, etc). Also, air pollution, exercise, and very strong scents (new house paint or perfume, for example) can trigger an asthma attack. It is also common for someone with asthma to have allergies and/or eczema (excessively dry, irritated skin).

How do you know your child has asthma? No one test can definitively identify asthma.  Chest x-rays cannot show asthma. Sometimes Pulmonary Function Testing  in older children helps doctors diagnose asthma, but younger kids often have a hard time performing the test.

Pediatricians diagnose asthma by studying the past experiences of the child.  Not every child is out of breath like the patient I saw in the office. The most common symptom of asthma is cough.  Watch for the following symptoms:


  1. Night time cough most nights of the week, usually starting somewhere after midnight. The child may or may not wake up because of the cough.
  2. Cough that shows up with exercise, usually after several minutes of running, swimming, jumping, even laughing.
  3. Cough with a common cold virus that lasts much longer than what is typical—longer than two weeks after the onset of a cold when most other kids or siblings with the same cold are better.
  4. Cough that is accompanied by increased work of breathing. Your child’s nostrils may flare in and out with each breath, or her ribs might stick out with each breath, or her breathing rate is much higher than baseline as if she were just running hard even when she is just resting. She might not be able to talk in complete sentences, drink, or eat because she is too short of breath.
  5. A wheeze— a high pitched sound heard during exhalation. The sound is not the strange, hoarse sound heard during inhalation (e.g. in a child with croup) nor is it the mucus/rumble you hear from the back of the throat of most kids with a cold.
  6. Cough triggered by cold: eating an ice pop or breathing cold, winter air, for example.

Don’t worry about labeling your child with the diagnosis of asthma.  Gone is the stereotype of a child with asthma as a sickly kid who sits in the corner and is told not to participate in sports.  A large percentage of Olympic athletes have asthma.  The diagnosis of asthma will open up a world of medication and lifestyles which can soothe your child’s irritated airways.

Stay tuned for Understanding Asthma, part 2: the treatment of asthma.

Julie Kardos, MD and Naline Lai, MD
©2010 Two Peds in a Pod℠


A Sand Mandala Kind of Christmas: thoughts from last year’s holidays


Off to the mall today with my children. Everyone was strapped in the minivan ready to go.  But where were the gift certificates the kids just got for Christmas from the relatives? I was perplexed and scuttled back into the house. Inside, I recreated in my head the scene at grandma and grandpa’s where I had last seen the gift certificates. At their house, after the children had properly said their thank yous, I remembered carefully folding the certificates in tissue paper and tucking them into the sparkly blue gift bag which was to go to my parents on behalf of my in-laws.  As an added guarantee that they would not be forgotten, I deliberately placed the blue bag with the other presents we had received. Where could they be? After all, they were safely in the big black trash bag with all of the other presents.

The trash bag? Oh dear.

Suddenly I remembered arriving home from my in-laws to a family room cluttered with gifts from Santa. I told the kids to clear everything out. When the dust settled I saw a big black trash bag in the center of the room. I grabbed it and threw it in the garage. Then a Christmas miracle happened.  In the midst of holiday hub-bub, my husband remembered that it was trash pickup day and took out the trash.

Gone were the gift certificates. Gone were my in-law’s presents to my parents. Gone was the plug in Star Wars game module. Gone was the “last copy” of a book of Chinese folk tales lovingly picked out for my daughter. And gone was the silly Bop- it game, a crazy game of Simon Says where one of the commands is to “bop” the toy against your tummy.

For a brief moment I contemplated running down to the dump and trolling through the garbage. After all, there were probably only a couple thousand black garbage bags. If I started now, I could be done by next Christmas.

Laughing (what else could I do?), I made my way back to the car where I broke the news to my kids. I too was disappointed, but I couldn’t go back and undo the event.  I had no choice but to laugh.

Together, between the tears, we stepped through lessons learned.

Lesson #1 Be more careful with our things

Lesson #2  Forgiveness is hard but essential for moving forward

Lesson #3 We were happy two days ago and that was before the presents arrived

Lesson #4  Let your kids play with their new toys the moment they get them- you never know when they will disappear

And the most important lesson #5 Use clear trash bags

My oldest smiled slowly and pointed out that I had declared to the kids, “Any presents not cleared out of the family room and put away in your own rooms will be thrown out.” I had unknowingly carried out my threat. Gradually, murmurs of disappointment gave way to laughter as we all imagined a scruffy bearded hobo going through the garbage picking up gift certificates from the girly stores Justice and Abercrombie.  Somewhere there is a stylin’ hobo with a scruffy beard in a fur trimmed hooded puffy coat and tank top, hopping up and down, playing Bop-it.

The minivan shook with laughter.”Oh, mommy, I’m laughing so hard my stomach hurts,” my daughter said. “Mine too,” my other two moaned between giggles.

The cost of “the stuff”:

A lot.

Making kids laugh so hard that their stomachs hurt:


Naline Lai, MD
©Two Peds in a Pod℠


The sounds of the season: Thanksgiving

Kids are noisy. A noisy child is usually a healthy child, so we pediatricians welcome noise. Today we give you Top Ten Sounds we are grateful for this Thanksgiving:

10. The sound of a six-month-old baby’s belly laugh.

 9. The sound of a two year old trying to say “gobble, gobble, gobble.”

 8. The sound of a three year old saying “why?” about 100 times a day.

 7. The sound of a chatty first grader who tells you about her favorite part of her day in one gigantic run-on sentence.

 6. The sound of a grade school orchestra concert (as heard through ear plugs).

 5. The sound of a high school orchestra concert played by the same students you remember playing in their grade school concert.

 4. The sound of a teenager confiding something very important during a check up and then answering “yes” to the question “Do your parents know about this?”

 3. The sound of a high school senior saying he got into his first choice college.

 2. The sound of children (and their pets) breathing as they sleep.

 1. The sound of a child’s small voice at Thanksgiving dinner leading her family in thanks.  

Wishing you all a noisy Thanksgiving.

Julie Kardos, MD and Naline Lai, MD

©2010 Two Peds in a Pod℠


When to keep your child home from school

Your child wakes up hot with fever but no other symptoms. She seems hungry, eats a great breakfast, and after a dose of Tylenol, she is no longer feverish and is now jumping off the couch. Are you a mean mommy or an unethical daddy if you send her off to school? Maybe not. Last month we had the privilege to address an audience of early childhood educators at the Bucks County Association for the Education of Young Children’s annual conference about when a child should leave school for medical reasons. In our podcast, When to keep your child home from school, we share some of the medical scenarios we discussed with the teachers: fever, vomiting, diarrhea, head lice, and pink eye.

Guidelines are based on Managing Infectious Diseases in Child Care and Schools, 2nd edition, Editors: Susan S. Aronson, MD, FAAP and Timothy R. Shope, MD, MPH, FAAP published by tThe American Academy of Pediatrics

 Happy listening. Some of the answers may surprise you…

Julie Kardos, MD and Naline Lai, MD

©2010 Two Peds in a Pod℠



Medications and Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding moms often ask us what medications they can take and not adversely effect the baby. The most complete database we have found is LactMed . Hope you won’t  have the need to refer to it too often.


Not small talk: how to explain big topics to young children

Whether you are discussing after dinner cleanup or explaining a complex issue such as an impending divorce, keep in mind talking to a young child is not the same as talking to a “little adult.” Our guest blogger, child psychologist Dr. Barry Ginsberg, a child and family psychologist since 1969 and the originator of the Parent-Adolescent Relationship Development Program (PARD), illustrates how to communicate with preschool and young school aged children.  


Julie Kardos, MD and Naline Lai, MD

  Children’s Questions


It’s important to be receptive to what we call teachable moments. Be prepared to

respond when you perceive that your child is ready and then follow your child’s lead.


Here’s such a moment: Johnny, age three, asks Sam, his dad, “Why do I have to go to day care?”


Sam could explain that it’s important to be with other children, or that he has to go to work. But instead, he realizes that he first needs to respond to Johnny’s feelings.  So he says, “You’re not happy about going.”


Johnny says, “Yes, I want to be with you.” 


“It makes me feel good that you want to be with me,” Sam says, going to a positive feeling first.  Then, he refers to his own feelings by saying, “That’s important to me, too.”


Only after Sam says this does he become specific and answer Johnny’s question with facts:  “It’s important to go to day care because I feel better knowing where you are and that you are safe when I’m at work.”


This was a teachable moment.  Sam paid attention to Johnny’s feelings, acknowledged both their feelings, and offered a reasonable explanation.  This demonstrates Sam’s respect for his son.  As a result, Johnny truly “heard” his father.


When talking with young children, keep the following in mind:


  1. Young children express themselves mostly through play.
  2. Play is how they go about understanding their world and experiences.
  3. Letting a young child lead you in play helps you understand the child better.
  4. It may be hard to get a young child to let you know that she understands you. Forcing her to respond may be threatening to her and frustrating for you.
  5. Even though children may not seem to be showing you that they understand, they probably do.
  6. Keep your comments short and simple.  As much as possible, try to phrase things in children’s terms, let them know you understand their feelings and use your feelings when you want to let them know what you want. For example, “You’d like to keep playing but I’m unhappy that the toys aren’t picked up,” and “The rule is that toys are put away before dinner.”
  7. If you want children to understand or do something, you need to be patient; repeat it a few times; gently convey through your movements what you want; and try not to act out of your frustration.
  8. Try to be consistent, and have clear rules and expectations.
  9. Pay attention to children’s feelings when talking to them.

Read these nine suggestions over a few times. It takes a little practice to use them consistently. Be patient with yourself. You’ll get it after a while.


Barry G. Ginsberg, PhD, ABPP, CFLE
The Center of Relationship Enhancement (CORE)


Reprinted with permission from  50 Wonderful ways to be a Single-Parent Family.

photo credit: Lexi Logan www.lexilogan.com 


Sippy cups are not a developmental stage

At a baby’s six month old check-up I advise parents to have their child start drinking from a cup.

Some respond with surprise,” A cup? So young? How exciting! Do you mean a sippy cup?”

“No,” I explain. “A regular, open face cup.”

Then I get incredulous looks. “But how will our baby manage that?”

Just like your baby “learns” how to eat food off a spoon, she will have to practice. You will have to help her at first. Just put water in the cup. Who cares if water spills? You see how by this age she naturally puts her hands together and pulls most things to her mouth. With practice, she will learn to drink out of a cup. Just like everyone else did before sippy cups were invented.

“But when,” parents ask me, “should we introduce the sippy cup?”

The reality is, sippy cups satisfy a parent’s desire to be neat and to avoid mess. Sippy cups are not a developmental stage. Did I use sippy cups with my own kids? Yes I did, especially with my twins, because anything I could do to decrease mess in my home I welcomed with open arms. But it is perfectly okay to never introduce sippy cups to your child.

Because sippy cups are spill-proof,  it is tempting to leave one out all day for your child. If the cup contains water, this practice is safe. However, many toddlers have ended up with a mouth full of cavities in their brand new baby teeth after sipping milk or juice all day long out of sippy cups. Constant sweet substances on the gums can sink in and affect baby teeth. Just as we advise parents of bottle fed babies to avoid allowing the child graze from the bottle all day and to avoid falling asleep drinking a bottle, young children should not be drinking sugar-containing drinks, including milk, all day from a sippy cup.

“But I only give my kids water mixed with a tiny bit of juice in the sippy cups,” I hear parents say. Yes, kids (and grownups) need water, but watered down juice is not the same as plain water. Watered down juice is sugar water, and it harms teeth just like straight-up juice. In addition, drinking watered down juice teaches kids that all beverages need to be sweet. Sweet drinks do not actually quench thirst; rather, they make kids feel thirstier. Remember that unlike adults, babies and toddlers have not formed unhealthy habits yet, so teach them that water and milk are for drinking. The only exceptions are electrolyte solutions that are used to prevent dehydration during vomiting and juice once a day (prune, pear, or apple) for constipated children. For nutrition, fruit is much healthier than fruit juice.

So put water in the open faced cup and allow your baby to imitate you and drink out of it. Then, around your child’s first birthday when most parents wean their children from breast milk or formula to cow milk, put the “big boy milk” or “big girl milk” into a cup.  Aim for all open cups by at least two years of age. If you decide to use sippy cups, as I did, for neatness sake, do not forget practice with a regular cup. Get rid of the sippy cup whenever you are tired of washing those moldy valves and tired of rescuing them from your drain or garbage disposal.  You might have a “sippy cups are for car rides” policy and use open cups at home.

What about straw cups? Well, think of it this way. Do you plan to travel around with straws in case your child becomes thirsty? Sure it’s fine to teach your child to drink out of straw. It’s healthier than a sippy cup because most of the milk will bypass most of the teeth. But again, it is easiest in the long run to teach your child to drink out of a regular cup so that in any situation you know you can offer your child a drink.

All kids are messy. The younger you practice with your child, the sooner she will be drinking out of a regular cup like a pro. Just in time for finger feeding which means self-feeding—more mealtime mess!

Julie Kardos, MD with Naline Lai, MD
©2010 Two Peds in a Pod℠


Don’t let carbon monoxide creep up on your family

This monstrosity arrived at my house last week. It’s the neighborhood snow blower my husband and several neighbors purchased together to share. As I stared at the machine, I thought about all the little arms and legs that could potentially be churned up as the monster chugs through the snow.  Paranoid? Perhaps. Although, I console myself, it would be hard to ignore a snow blower coming at you.




Unfortunately, one of the biggest winter hazards is not so loud and obvious. As the temperature drops, deaths rise from this insidious poisonous gas: carbon monoxide.




According to the Centers for Disease Control, about 400 unintentional deaths occur a year from carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide results from the incomplete combustion of fuel. The gas causes a chemical suffocation by competing with oxygen in your body. The colorless, odorless gas is impossible for human senses to detect, and unfortunately, loss of consciousness usually occurs before any symptoms appear.  Those lucky enough to have warning symptoms before passing out may experience headaches, nausea or confusion.




Because carbon monoxide is a by-product of incomplete combustion, sources are related to energy use.  Poisoning occurs more during the winter months when fuel is used to heat closed spaces and ventilation from exhausts is poor. My sister, toxicologist and Harvard medical school instructor, Dr. Melisa Lai, tells the story of a snowplow operator a few years ago who left the house early in the morning to plow snow, only to return and find his family dead. The reason—snow blocked the exhaust pipe from the furnace and caused lethal levels of carbon monoxide to accumulate in his home.




Carbon monoxide also occurs in warm weather. To avoid carbon monoxide buildup in all climates:




Install carbon monoxide detectors. My sister says a $20 detector such as Kidde works as well as the  $150 models. Put them on every level of your home and check that the batteries work. Smoke detectors are not the same as carbon monoxide detectors. However, combination detectors are available.




Ventilate all appliances, heating units, and your chimney adequately.  Have them serviced yearly.




Be wary of the exhaust from of any vehicle. 


Parents have put their infants in running cars while they shovel snow, unaware that the car’s tailpipe is covered in snow. By the time they return to the car, the infant, who is extremely susceptible to carbon monoxide poisoning because of his size, is dead. Even opening the garage door when you run your car is not enough ventilation to prevent poisoning.  




Like cars, boats also produce carbon monoxide. Since boats are less energy efficient than cars, they spew more of the gas. While your teen boogie boards behind a motor boat, the carbon monoxide can knock her tumbling unconscious into the water.




Keep anything meant to burn fuel outdoors, OUTDOORS.  Even an innocent barbeque can turn into a nightmare if you decide to grill inside your garage.  Emissions from any type of grill, charcoal or gas, can send carbon monoxide levels skyrocketing. Additionally, hurricane season in the southern United States is known by toxicologists as “Carbon Monoxide Season.” During hurricanes, people buy outdoor generators and auxiliary heating units. They work so well that people then bring them indoors, trapping fumes in their homes. 




My sister says she has hundreds of stories about carbon monoxide poisoning, all which end tragically. Maybe I’ll let my husband store that larger-than-life-take-up-car-space neighborhood snow blower here this winter.  Then, at least I know I’ll be able to make sure no one starts up the blower in a garage.




For more details please visit http://www.cdc.gov/co/faqs.htm.




Naline Lai, MD with Julie Kardos, MD
©2010 Two Peds in a Pod





Although the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends a first gynecological visit between 13 and 15 years of age, a teen usually does not need to have an internal pelvic exam at the first visit unless she is having problems or unless there is a need to screen for certain sexually transmitted diseases.

For more information, please visit  http://www.acog.org/publications/patient_education/bp150.cfm.

Julie Kardos, MD and Naline Lai, MD
