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Young adults

  • On our minds: Concussions

    Dr. Lai will be up at Brown University this weekend giving a primary care pediatrician’s perspective on concussions (traumatic brain injuries) at a parent forum. A lot has changed since you were…

  • Avoid Allergy Eyes

    Arrggh, sitting on top of kid’s items that need to be returned to Target are the allergy eye drops that need to go back to the pharmacy. With growing kids, it’s an…

  • I have Autism.

    According to the latest CDC report, 1 in 68 children have some form of autism. April 2  is World Autism Awareness Day, and today we post, with permission, a speech that a 15-year-old…

  • Poison Control 1-800-222-1222

      Put poison control’s phone number on the back of your cell phone, on your cell phone case, and on your wall phone. Put it everywhere:  1–800-222-1222.   Did your toddler eat…

  • Dry chapped hands- home remedies

    I wash my hands about sixty times a day, maybe more.  This frequent washing, in combination with cold Pennsylvania air, leads to chapped hands.  To prevent dry hands: • Don’t stop washing your…

  • Pseudo flu

    Award-winning journalist, mystery book author, and syndicated humor columnist Nicole Loughan interviews Two Peds about the “stomach flu” vs “real flu.” Drs. Lai and Kardos Despite up to date flu shots, my…

  • Avoid Carbon Monoxide poisoning

      More polar vortex! Here in Bucks County, PA,  we are recovering from power outages and preparing for yet another winter blast. As the generators are started up, we remind our readers about…

  • Raising an optimist

    If you are in a part of the United States affected by the polar vortex shift, it’s tough to stay sanguine about the weather. How to create an optimistic child who can…

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