Although the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends a first gynecological visit between 13 and 15 years of age, a teen usually does not need to have an internal pelvic exam…
Young adults
The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in June recommended adolescent girls have their first visit with an ob-gyn between the ages of 13 and 15 to help set the stage for…
A few days ago, I spoke with the faculty of a local early childhood education center about flu vaccine myths. See how you do on the true and false quiz I gave…
Eeew! Pictured is the raw chicken I left sitting out in a pot for a day (inadvertently, of course). The putrid mess was teaming with germs and amongst them was probably salmonella.…
A common question that many parents ask us in the office is “How can I help my overweight child?” Our newest podcast provides six simple rules for healthy eating. Listen in to…
Dr. Dave, a friend of Dr. Kardos, is a physician in a Student Health Center at a respectable college in a large city. Here is an alarming, yet typical, scenario involving binge drinking…
The other day when Dr. Lai asked a dad in her office how his college freshman son was doing, the dad replied that he was in a state of shock. The…
I wash my hands about sixty times a day, maybe more. This in combination with cold Pennsylvania fall air leads to chapped hands. It’s a sure sign winter is approaching when patients…
Drs. Kardos and Lai advise parents on what they can do for their tired teen. Although we all enjoyed an hour’s extra sleep this past weekend with the resetting of the clocks,…
I’ve heard some interesting things about milk over the years. I am going to share with you three myths about milk that I heard when I was a kid and I still…