Spotting the rash of ringworm

ringwormAlthough it’s called ringworm, this rash isn’t caused by a worm.  In fact, it barely looks like a worm. Otherwise known as tinea corporis, the patch of ringworm is usually a flesh or light-pink colored, slightly scaly oval with raised, red edges.

Caused by a fungus, sometimes the patch is itchy. The same organism also causes athlete’s foot (tinea pedis), jock itch (tinea cruris)  and scalp infections (tinea capitis).

Ringworm falls into the mostly-harmless-but-annoying category of skin rashes (cover it up and no one will notice). Your child’s doctor will diagnose the rash by examining your child’s skin. To treat the rash, apply antifungal medication until the rash is gone for at least 48 hours (about two to three weeks duration). Clotrimazole (for example, brand name Lotrimin) is over-the-counter and is applied twice daily. You will find it in the anti-athlete’s foot section.

On the scalp, ringworm causes hair loss where the rash occurs.  Treatment is not so straight forward. Ringworm on the scalp requires a prescription oral antifungal medication for several weeks. The fungus on the scalp lives not only on the skin, but also in hair follicles. So, topical antifungals fail to reach the infection.

Ringworm spreads through direct contact. Wrestling teams are often plagued with this infection. Cats may carry ringworm. If your family cat has signs of feline ring worm such as patches of hair loss, take him to the vet for diagnosis.

If your child’s “ringworm” fails to improve after a week of applying antifungal medication, have your child’s doctor examine (or re-examine) the rash. Other diagnoses we keep in mind include eczema and granuloma annulare. If the rash continues to enlarge we consider Lyme disease.

The sooner you start to treat ringworm, the more quickly it resolves. Just remember, “the early bird catches the…” oh never mind.

Naline Lai, MD and Julie Kardos, MD
©2012 Two Peds in a Pod®

The dirt on tetanus


fodder for tetanus…don’t get this stuck under your foot

Look at this rusty old anchor atop an old fort. Rust plus dirt equals a perfect breeding ground for tetanus. As my kids scampered between different anchors last week, I quickly calculated in my mind whether their preventative tetanus shots were up to date.

“Getting the tetanus shot” is part of the American societal childhood rite of passage, but most people don’t know much about why their kids are vaccinated. Everyone knows they want to avoid IT, but what is IT? Because it is somewhat rare in the United States, I still remember asking one dad about his child’s family history. I was startled when he erupted onto peals of laughter after he told me the child’s grandfather had died of tetanus. “Why are you laughing?” I said in disbelief.

“You’re right, it’s not funny… It’s just the look on your face is funny,” he said. “Everyone has the same shocked expression when I tell them that he died from tetanus.”

Also known as Lock Jaw, tetanus is an organism which thrives in places with little oxygen. Thus, it tends to live on rusty nails (and anchors!) and deep in dirt. Tetanus secretes a poison which causes muscles to spasm painfully and severely and also causes seizures. Exposed to tetanus, your jaw muscles clench into a sardonic smile which prevents eating – hence the name Lock Jaw. Eventually, the tetanus poison infiltrates the chest muscles that help you breathe, and if you are like nearly 40 percent of cases, you will stop breathing and eventually die.

We have no antidote for the poison of tetanus- but we do have a preventative immunization which causes our bodies to preemptively prepare antibodies as self-defense. At the time of a high risk injury, if needed, doctors will boost your child’s tetanus immunization. If your child is under- immunized, the doctor will also inject your child with tetanus antibodies (tetanus immunoglobulin) to further ensure that your child will not contract this disease.

Because tetanus thrives away from oxygen, it easily multiples in deep wounds contaminated by the germ. The germ surrounds us in soil and also lives in intestines of humans and animals. Since tetanus lives in dirt, the following are considered “high risk” injuries:

   -Bites from animals which dig and “eat” dirt such as dogs.

    -Deep puncture wounds from dirty, rusty nails.

    -Wounds with embedded rocks and gravel.

Be wary of tetanus in wounds possibly contaminated with stool, dirt ,or saliva. In developing countries, there are continued cases of infantile tetanus because poultices of mud are used to take care of the umbilical cord stump of newborns.

For kids, the recommended ages for tetanus shots are at 2 months old, 4 months old, 6 months old, 15-18 months old, 4-6 years old, 11-12 years old, and then every ten years through adulthood. Note, if a high risk wound is sustained, the last shot should be within five years. Thus, a kid around 9 years old may be up-to-date for shots, but because he received a tetanus vaccine at four-years-old (on time) he will still need an immunization at the time of a risky injury. Watch out also if you have a teen. His pediatrician will immunize him at 11-12 years of age, but after 16-17 years old he will need a booster if he sustains a dirty wound.

Nowadays, the tetanus immunization is in the same solution as an immunization against diptheria (a disease that causes a choking-inducing coating at the back of your throat), and usually in the same solution as pertussis (whooping cough). If your doctor gave your child an immunization recently against pertussis, she also received a tetanus immunization.

Kids are expected to get dirty. Enjoy the dirt—just not the tetanus.


Naline Lai, MD with Julie Kardos, MD
©2012 Two Peds in a Pod®

So big- we’re three years old today!


Two Peds in a Pod® turns three years old! In honor of our third birthday, we bring you our top ten parental experiences through the years list:

  1. “Helping” your child manage his ice-cream cone (especially when he orders the soft chocolate kind with the chocolate sprinkles)
  2. Coaching a sport you have not played in twenty years.
  3. Playing hours of Mario Cart or Just Dance on the Wii (and losing every time)
  4. Building snowmen
  5. Coloring with brand new crayons (and the aroma of opening that new box of Crayolas!)
  6. If you are a mom, discovering your teen daughter is the same shoe size and you can borrow her hip shoes
  7. Experiencing your child’s first bike ride without training wheels
  8. Getting to be the Tooth Fairy (shhh… don’t tell!)
  9. Re-reading your favorite kid books (Dr. Seuss really was a genius)
  10. Realizing your child honestly believes that you have a really good singing voice

We hope to celebrate many more birthdays with you. Please continue to send us your ideas at, comment on our posts and tell your friends about us. 


Julie Kardos, MD and Naline Lai, MD
©2012 Two Peds in a Pod®





Speck-tacular tonsilloliths

tonsillolithVacation! As I watched my kids scamper across the beach today, I remembered a conversation I had with a family recently. “My kid sometimes coughs up sand,” the mom said to me. “Little hard specks sometimes come out of her mouth. ”

“Hmmm, bring me a speck of the ‘sand’ the next time he spits one out,” I said.

A few days later, rattling inside a small plastic container on my desk, I found a tawny-hued speck which resembled a chip of rock. The mom had kept her promise and now I was the owner of a tonsillolith. Pictured here next to a paperclip, this and other tonsilloliths are harmless hardened pieces of debris which lodge in crevices (crypts) of tonsils. No one is exactly sure why tonsilloliths form, but they do seem to run in families. A combination of the right type of saliva, food, and deep tonsillar crevices produce these white or tan specks which occasionally become the size of a small pebble. In fact, they are also known as tonsil stones. Most people consider tonsilloliths a nuisance, but sometimes they are associated with bad breath. Warm salt water gargles after meals (one teaspoon of salt per 8 ounces of warm water) is usually enough to dislodge the tonsilloliths and prevent new ones from sticking. People have been known to overcome gag reflexes and flick them out with their nails. Addressing any tonsillar irritation such as Strep throat infections (see our previous posts: part one and two) or post-nasal drip from allergies may also be helpful. For those having continual tonsillolith-induced bad breath, removal of the tonsils is the definitive answer.

Some people dream of getting away to Sannibel Island’s shell covered beaches, others to Bermuda’s wispy pink speckled beaches and still others to the jagged rock-strewn beaches of Maine. Do otolaryngologists (ENTs) dream of tonsillolith-covered shores?

Naline Lai, MD with Julie Kardos, MD
©2012 Two Peds in a Pod®

Teen hearing loss on the rise: here’s the buzz


hearing loss 

Lucky kid!  My daughter’s first rock concert, and not only did her girlfriend score tickets to the hot teen band One Direction, but the girls sat in 9th row seats. Despite fears of appearing dorky, my kid took along a box of earplugs. A half-hour into the concert, the mom accompanying the girls texted me. “Earplugs a necessity,” she wrote.

No, it’s not a myth your parents told you as a teen to keep you miserable at home on a Saturday night. Loud music really can cause high frequency hearing loss. 

Sound is described by decibels (loudness) and by frequency (pitch). Examples of high frequency noises are the sound of a nail scratching a chalk board or a person whispering. A very high frequency noise is the sound of a dog whistle. By thirty years old, almost everyone experiences some hearing loss at frequencies above 15 hertz – if you are this age, this is why everyone now seems to mumble at parties. A few years ago, teens capitalized on this natural hearing loss phenomenon with “mosquito” ring tones– high frequency cell phone rings heard only by younger ears but not by prying adult ears. For kicks, check out your ability to hear high frequencies at this non-scientific site.

Exposure to loud sounds at high decibels hastens the natural progression of high frequency hearing loss. Damage to the hearing nerve (cochlear nerve) in an ear can occur from a one time exposure or from repetitive exposure over time. Sounds above 85 decibels cause damage. Those below 75 decibels rarely cause problems. The humming of a refrigerator is 40 decibels, ordinary conversations are 60 decibels and city traffic registers at 80 decibels. Lawn mowers and hair dryers are around 90 decibels and firecrackers explode at 120-140 decibels. After two minutes, exposure to rock concerts (which usually register at 110 decibels) may cause damage. For lawn mowing, the permissible exposure time is sometime between 2-4 hours. The site gives maximum recommended lengths of time for exposure to loud sounds.  

Amongst teens, high frequency hearing loss is on the rise. The exact cause is unclear, but doctors suspect that the loss is secondary to constant exposure to loud sounds. Limit your child’s exposure to high decibel activities. Give your teen earplugs as she mows the lawn this summer and uses the leaf blower this fall.  Because of differences in ear buds and how music is recorded, there is no uniform way to regulate volume produced by MP3 players. However, as a general rule of thumb, if you hear your teen’s music playing when he has ear buds in, it’s too loud. Kids should be able to hear normal conversations even when their devices are on.

So don’t fret if your teenager gets a mosquito ring for his cell. The ringing in the ears after a loud concert or a day of weed-wacking is the “sound” of hearing loss occurring— THAT’s the ring to avoid.

Thanks to Educational Audiologist Kristin Peppiatt, Au.D., CCC-A, the expert advisor who provided information for this post. An Audiologist for Bucks County Schools Intermediate Unit #22 in Pennsylvania, Dr. Peppiatt received her Bachelor’s of Communication Disorders and Masters of Audiology degrees from Penn State University and her Doctorate of Audiology from A.T. Stills University.   She holds her Certificate of Clinical Competency from the American Speech, Language and Hearing Association and is a fellow in the American Academy of Audiology.

Naline Lai, MD with Julie Kardos, MD

©2012 Two Peds in a Pod®


Molluscum contagiosum: the little rash with the big name

wart, molluscumnKinda cute. At least that’s what the medical books lead you to believe.  They are described as little pink or flesh-colored dome-shaped harmless bumps with belly buttons. The little rash with the big name, Molluscum Contagiosum, is cute only until you discover the bumps on your child’s skin. Like your neighbor’s cute toddler, the little belly-buttoned rash can overstay its welcome.

Pictured here is the rash of molluscum. The bumps are generally flesh colored, but can be slightly pink.  Look carefully at the circled bump— this one has a tiny dimple in the center (the “belly button”). While the rash often appears on areas with irritated skin such as eczema, molluscum can show up on every part of the body. As with any new rash, visit your child’s doctor to confirm the diagnosis.

The best thing about molluscum is that it is not harmful. Children can attend school and camp with it. Yes it looks funny, but like warts, it is a virus that is only skin deep. Also, like warts, it can be very stubborn about going away. Probably because it is so benign, children’s immune systems don’t get excited about an out-cropping of molluscum and do not bother attacking the rash.

The rash is spread by direct skin to skin rubbing (think wrestlers or think kids rolling around in play or think sexual contact—teens can get molluscum in compromising areas) and by towel sharing and very close contact in water—siblings catch molluscum from each other when they bathe together. However, kids do not contract the virus in swimming pools. The rash itself is not particularly itchy. But, because it often appears on itchy patches of skin, kids will scratch areas with molluscum and with each scratch, spread the molluscum over a greater area. One of my patients first developed molluscum on the inner aspect of his arm.  During the summer when he went shirtless, the rubbing of his arm against his body caused molluscum to appear on the side of his chest where his arm brushed against his body.  Mysteriously, some kids don’t seem prone to picking up the rash. One of my twins had the rash all over his belly for close to a year. Yet my other twin only had one bump on his ankle for a few months. 

Treating molluscum is frustrating. Pediatricians and dermatologists have some agents which irritate the molluscum in hopes that the body’s immune system will wake-up and get rid of it.  Medications such as cantheridin (extract of blister beetle), Retin A, liquid nitrogen, and others all are used to treat molluscum with varying success rates. Hydrocortisone 1% three times a day for a few days will soothe itchy skin patches of molluscum. Although the medication will not cure the rash, it will help calm the itch and prevent further spread. Rarely, just like any area which is scratched, bacteria from the skin will infect the rash. If a bump is scratched open, put a dab of antibacterial ointment on along with the hydrocortisone. If redness increases and the area becomes progressively tender, seek medical attention. Take heart in the fact that molluscum DOES go away on its own, but can linger for months or even years before finally fading. My husband and I opted not to treat our twins, and waited for the molluscum to leave on its own, which it did. Often, just before spontaneously going away, the bumps become red and irritated for a day or so and then just… go.

When I diagnose a patient with this condition, the name of this rash always makes me feel like I am casting a Harry Potter spell:

Parent: “Doctor Kardos, what is this rash on my child?”

Dr. Kardos, brandishing a magic wand: “MOLLUSCUM CON-TA-GIOSUM!!!”


The medical literature and 15 years in pediatric practice tell me there are no vitamins or behavior therapies that play any role in banishing this rash. In short, there are no quick fixes.


If only the cure were as easy as waving a wand. We’ll let you know if we hear of any new spells.


Julie Kardos, MD with Naline Lai, MD
©2012 Two Peds in a Pod®


Summer time reading: crypto, poison ivy, swimmer’s ear, and preventing dehydration

mother cartoonWelcome to summer! Some seasonal topics to read up on: a germ that lurks in pool water, itchy rashes from poison ivy, painful ears from swimmer’s ear and how to prevent kids from dehydrating.


Julie Kardos, MD and Naline Lai, MD

©2012 Two Peds in a Pod®

A shred of advice: how to remove splinters


Although I first cringed when I saw this splinter, it is actually one of my favorite kinds. It’s obvious and relatively easy to remove.

Now that summertime is upon us, many kids will want to run barefoot outside. Have your children wear shoes, especially on decks and docks, in the woods, and even in grass and sand in order to protect their feet. In short, if they are not actually swimming, kids (and adults) should wear shoes outside. Even for those who are careful, splinters have a way of magically embedding themselves in bare feet.

If the splinter is very tiny (too small to grab with tweezers,) seems near the skin surface, and does not cause much discomfort, simply soak the splinter in warm soapy water several times a day for a few days. Fifteen minutes, twice a day for four days, works for most splinters. Our bodies in general dislike foreign invaders and tend to evict them. Water will help draw out splinters by loosening up the skin holding the splinter. This method works well particularly for multiple hair-like splinters such as the ones obtained from sliding down an obstacle course rope. Oil-based salves such as butter will not help pull out splinters. However, an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream will help calm irritation and a benzocaine-based cream such as Oragel will help with pain relief.

If the splinter is “grab-able”, gently wash the area with soap and water and pat dry. Don’t soak an area with a “grab-able” wooden splinter for too long because the wood will soften and break apart. Next, wash your own hands and clean a pair of tweezers with rubbing alcohol. Then, grab hold of the splinter and with the tweezers pull smoothly in the direction opposite of the way the splinter entered. Take care to avoid breaking the splinter before it comes out.

If the splinter breaks or if you cannot easily grab the end because it does not protrude from the skin, you can sterilize a sewing needle by first boiling it for one minute and then cleaning with rubbing alcohol. With the needle, pick away at the skin area directly above the splinter. Use a magnifying glass if you have to, make sure you have good lighting and for those middle-age parents like us, grab those reading glasses. Be careful not to go too deep, you will cause bleeding which makes visualization impossible. Continue to separate the skin until you can gently nudge the splinter out with the needle or grab it with your tweezers.

Since any break in the skin is a potential source of infection, after you remove the splinter, wash the wound well with soap and water. Flush the area with running water to remove any dirt that remains in the wound. See our post on wound care for further details on how to prevent infection. If the splinter is particularly dirty or deep, make sure your child’s tetanus shot is up to date. Also, watch for signs of infection over the next few days: redness, pain at the site, or thick discharge from the wound are all reasons to take your child to his doctor for evaluation.

Some splinters are just too difficult for parents to remove. If you are not comfortable removing it yourself of if your child can’t stay still for the extraction procedure, head over to your child’s doctor for removal.

Now you can add “surgeon” to your growing list of parental hats.

Julie Kardos, MD with Naline Lai, MD

©2012 Two Peds in a Pod®

Limiting BPA and other potential toxins in your child’s environment

BPA childGuest blogger pediatrician Heidi Román returns to us today to give practical advice on how to decrease potential toxins in your child’s environment.
In today’s world we are surrounded by “stuff”. We touch it, we eat from it, we drive in it, and we wear it. Before becoming a parent, I have to admit I didn’t think all that much about whether this “stuff” was safe. I had passing thoughts about toxic chemicals in “stuff”. Mainly, the environmental toxin I worried about as a pediatrician was my little patients’ exposure to lead.
Suddenly, as a new mom, I started to think about toxins a lot. I did little things like get BPA-free cups and bottles and avoid plastic toys. But, sometimes it feels like a losing battle. I did all kinds of research and bought a car seat with great safety ratings, only to later read a report that suggested it was “toxic”. And, in many cases the science is not definitive. A product may be found to have a substance that is considered toxic, but it is unclear whether or not the exposure is sufficient to actually impact the health of children. It all feels a bit overwhelming.
So, I’m here today to offer a few practical tips to parents who want to make their home environment safer for their kids; and, to let you know about some important legislation that is coming up that may help us all out.
1. Reduce exposure to BPA (bis-phenol A). We don’t yet have all the answers about the impact BPA may have on our kids. But, we do know this. BPA is all around us- particularly in food containers and linings. And, we have emerging evidence that it is an “endocrine disruptor“. The endocrine system is a set of organs that controls everything from body temperature to puberty via complex hormonal interactions. So called “endocrine disruptors” are thought to somehow alter these interactions. There is enough evidence out there about potential detrimental impact of pre-natal and post-natal exposure in kids (including suggestion of impact on behavior of young children) that I think it is time to dramatically reduce our exposure to BPA. Many companies who market products to babies have already made the switch- so look for BPA-free bottles and the like. You can also reduce your own exposure. Switch to glass food containers. Try to eat less canned food.
2. Improve the air quality in your indoor environment. Bring a few plants into your home. Varieties like the peace lily and rubber plants have been shown to significantly improve air quality. Switch to less toxic household cleaners or make your own from simple ingredients like vinegar, lemon juice, and baking soda. “Conventional cleaners often contain volatile organic compounds whose fumes can trigger asthma attacks and irritate the eyes, nose and respiratory passages”, says Maida Galvez, a pediatrician and environmental health specialist at New York’s Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Not only that, they are a significant poisoning risk to children if swallowed.
3. Decrease the number of products (cosmetics, etc) you use on your hair and skin. Learn more about the safety of those that you continue to use. Definitely use broad-spectrum sunscreen, but consider switching to a zinc oxide or titanium dioxide based formulation, especially for young children. Avoid aerosolized skin products, as there is risk of inhalation. Keep all personal care products out of reach of children.
4. Support TSCA reform. The Toxic Substances Control Act is the federal law that regulates which chemicals are deemed “safe” for use. The problem is that TSCA was passed in 1976 and has never been updated. TSCA grandfathered in 62,000 chemicals that were “presumed safe”. It does not require studies of health impact prior to chemicals reaching the market. Instead of requiring industries to prove the safety of chemicals, TSCA leaves the onus on the consumer and public and environmental health agencies to prove that they are unsafe after they’ve been available for use. It ties the hands of agencies like the EPA when they try to limit exposure, even to chemicals such as asbestos that are known to have adverse effects.
The great news is that for the past few years a growing coalition has organized to tackle TSCA reform. The EPA put forth a list of Essential Principles for Reform of Chemicals Management Legislation. Most importantly, the Safe Chemicals Act of 2011 (SB 847), put forward by Senator Frank Lautenberg, is making its way through the early legislative process. This bill seeks to improve chemical safety and protect our health using the best science available. It aims to reward innovative companies that attempt to put safer products on the market. The bill still needs our help to push it forward. Call your Senator and ask him or her to sign on as a co-sponsor.

One last thought. Many products are actually very safe. The trouble is, right now it is really hard to know which ones are okay for children and which ones aren’t. Parents have enough to worry about. Let’s give some of the responsibility regarding unsafe chemical exposures back where it belongs- to the industries producing chemicals and the regulatory agencies designed to keep our communities safe. And, for now, a few easy changes at home can keep toxic stuff away from your kids and help keep them safe and healthy.Heidi Román, MD

Heidi Román MD, FAAP is a mother and pediatrician who practices in San Jose, California. She has special interest and experience in public policy issues and working with under-served families from diverse racial and socio-economic backgrounds. Find her thoughtful blog posts at

Special thanks to toxicologists Alan Woolf and Melisa Lai Becker for reviewing this post.
©2012 Two Peds in a Pod®
Add 7/18/12: The FDA announced on July 16, 2012 that BPA is banned from use in baby bottles and sippy cups. BPA use in other containers is still permitted. Click here for the New York Times article.

Mother’s Day: thoughts to nosh on


mothers dayMy youngest child clambered off the bus Friday afternoon with a fixed grin across his face.


 “What are you doing here?” he asked curiously. Usually, I am not home in time to greet the afternoon bus.


“I came to walk you home from the bus stop and then go for a run,” I said beaming, and kissed him on the forehead.


As my son stiffly kissed me back, the strange fixed grin remained on his face.  Then I noticed his hands were behind his back. With a sly glance, I saw he clutched a crinkled brown paper bag. I smiled. Hidden crumpled paper bags close to Mother’s Day mean only one thing — a “surprise” gift.

“Don’t you want to go running now?” my son asked as we walked up our driveway, carefully rotating his body so that he continued to face me.

“Yes, good idea” I said, and resisted the temptation to look back.

As I jogged through the neighborhood, I mused over the upcoming holiday and what it meant to be a “happy” mother on mother’s day. Last week I had gained some insights after participating on a panel at Brown University’s Women’s Leadership Conference. The topic of the discussion was “Happy Kids/Happy Parents: What’s the Secret Sauce?” The talk was lively, and since it was a women’s conference, discussion focused on motherhood. Ultimately the conclusion made by moderator Clare Hare was “There is not one right way to parent,” but, perhaps, some good guidelines. Here are some ideas to think about:

On the dilemma of working outside the house vs. working full time as a mom at home: As a mom it is easy to give, give, and give so much of yourself to others that you can lose a little (or a lot) of your own self-identity. By maintaining a self-identity you become a more confident mother. Some women draw confidence from forging a career outside the home. Others draw from organizing local community-based activities. A mom ultimately needs to feel at the end of the day that she raised her own child, no matter how she does it. Stop comparing yourself to others and do what is right for your own family. In an economy where it is often not financially feasible for one partner to stay at home, working outside the home may be less of a choice and more of an obligation; however, the crucial point remains— if you are not the person you want your child to see, then become the person you want her to see.

On helicopter parenting: Worried that you are too much of a helicopter parent? Know where to draw the line. Use the “cry now or cry later” philosophy. If you know your child will be crying in 30 years when he is obese and diabetic because you didn’t insist on a healthy diet with limited “junk”, stand your ground and let him cry now and you refuse him a second helping of cake. If you know your child will NOT be crying in 30 years because you didn’t insist that he continue piano lessons, let it go.


On keeping you and your child sane during the college admission process: Yes, statistically it’s tougher than ever to get into colleges- this is a matter of demographics. There are more college-bound seniors because of population growth, and hence more applicants per spot. But the pressure for students to overextend themselves in multiple activities is imposed by parents and the kids themselves, not by the admission offices. In the years preceding applying to college, encourage your child to concentrate on excelling in specific areas—think quality not quantity. Do what comes from the heart. When your child seems overwhelmed, as Dr. Kardos and I always say, insure basic needs are met — eat, sleep, drink, pee and poop. And don’t forget to leave time for play and relaxation.

On ignoring hype:  Be willing to change your opinion in light of data. Use evidence, not hype, to drive your actions. Despite data showing teens naturally awaken later in the morning than younger children, one audience member recounted how she still encountered many difficulties when she advocated for later high school start times in her school district. 

All thoughts to nosh on.

You never realize the soaring magnitude of your own mother’s love until you meet your child. No matter your approach to raising children, we wish you “happy” as you remember how you felt when you were the child who brought home a brown crinkled paper bag to surprise your own mom. And again “happy” as you feel gratitude and awe for the privilege of now receiving the surprise.

Dr. Kardos and I wish you a Happy Mother’s Day.


Naline Lai, MD

Special thanks to my fellow panelists: Clare Hare, Principle of Clare Hare Design; Jill Hereford Caskey, Director, Alumni College Advising Program, Office of Alumni Relations, Brown University; Judith Owens , Director of Sleep Medicine, Children’s National Medical Center; Peg Tyre, Director of National Advocacy, Edwin Gould Foundation, author of The Trouble With Boys and The Good School.


© 2012 Two Peds in a Pod®