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Young adults

  • Is my child depressed? Know the signs

    A mom recently asked me: My child seems angry more often than not. He snaps at the slightest frustration and cries more often. If I didn’t know any better, I’d wonder if…

  • MRSA: Myths and Reality

    Today our guest blogger, infectious disease specialist Dr. Amanda Paschke, shares her expertise about an increasingly diagnosed infection that is mostly “skin deep” but occasionally can be more serious — Drs. Kardos…

  • Sore throat remedies for kids

      Many times parents bring their children with sore throats to our office to “check if it’s strep.” Some are disappointed to find out that their child does NOT have strep. Moms and Dads…

  • DaDu and Happy Thanksgiving

        “DaDu.” That’s how my oldest used to say “Thank you” when he was about two years old. Now that he is thirteen I find myself still reminding him to say…

  • Arsenic and your food

      A decade ago, we wondered if arsenic was in pressurized wood-containing playground equipment . Then we worried about the toxin turning up in apple juice . Now recent reports say arsenic…

  • Beth: a story of life and hope

      At this time of the Jewish High Holy Days, Dr. Kardos offers us a glimpse into lessons learned as a doctor in training. This is a true story she wrote years…

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