We’ve heard some interesting things about cow’s milk over the years. I am going to share with you four myths about milk that I continue to hear from my patients’ parents. Spoiler:…
Young adults
Pediatricians associate Back to School with “Time to get your flu vaccine.” At least this pediatrician mom does. As I try to figure out when I can get my own three children…
Good News. Last year we responded to your concerns about arsenic in food, particularly rice, and shared with you the FDA’s recommendation at that time. We are relieved that after considerable…
As you stand watching your budding baseball star at his five o’clock practice, the rest of your kids start to whine. “Please, please, please,” they say. “Can we go to the snack…
We had such a great response to our Two Peds in a Pod® visual diagnosis post that we are posting another summertime picture puzzle: What is it? Pictured below are the toes…
We interrupt your summertime to present another Two Peds in a Pod® visual diagnosis learning session. Do you recognize this rash? Hint: it is mildly itchy and painful and can result from…
The green crosses in the photo signify that the building is a medical marijuana dispensing site. As the TMZ tour bus director pointed out the crosses when my family was recently on…
Hot! Pictured is a kid with a second degree burn. No, this burn wasn’t caused by hot water or by touching the stove, but by the sun. A sunburn is still a…
Dr. Kardos’s dad is a pediatrician and during our long grueling hours of residency training he’d always serve as a source of encouragement. One of my favorite memories will always be…
Yesterday morning we were aghast to read medical misinformation in the print edition of our local newspaper. Aghast, because we were the pediatricians interviewed for the content of a summer time tips article.…