What’s for dinner? ideas from our kitchen tables

After we complete a Two Peds in a Pod planning or edit session, our conversation inevitably turns to the question, “What are you cooking for dinner tonight?”

We know parents are always searching for simple ways to move beyond macaroni and cheese suppers. Here are two chicken dishes Dr. Kardos’s kids love and one tofu dish Dr. Lai’s children enjoy. For picky eaters, please note each item is well demarcated- no food has to “run into” or “touch” the other items. All can be eaten with a fork or with fingers for younger toddlers.  They have flavors that adults like but are not too strongly flavored to turn a kid off.  Best of all, they are easy to prepare.  

Gram mom’s Chicken-in-a-Pot

Need: One 5-8 lb oven stuffer roaster chicken, carrots, onions, spices, cast-iron pot/dutch oven

Rinse off chicken and discard innards/gizzards. Pat dry. Sprinkle with spices that are kid friendly (no hot pepper unless your child really likes it). I use garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and tarragon. Place chicken into a cast-iron pot/Dutch oven. Add cut up carrots or “baby” carrots and either frozen pearl onions or a fresh onion chopped up. Other vegetables that will not fall apart/become mush would work as well. DO NOT ADD WATER.

Cover the pot, place on stove on low heat, and cook for 2-3 hours, until chicken is tender.  It makes its own juices as it cooks so you never need to add water. When done, the chicken falls off the bones with minimal prompting. Carefully discard bones.

Result: easy to chew, pleasantly but not strongly flavored chicken, and cooked carrots. Dr. Kardos’s kids love to eat this with applesauce (two like to dip the chicken), raw carrots (only one of her kids likes cooked carrots), rice or noodles (juices from chicken taste great on either one) and fresh strawberries or other kid-pleasing fruit.

A ma’s (Taiwanese for gram mom) easy Tofu

Need: extra firm or firm tofu, rice, soy sauce, sesame oil, dried basil (Mrs. Dash has a tomato-basil-garlic spice mixture which is great, but tough to find)

Cut a block of  tofu into one-third inch thick square pieces (approximately one and one half inch by one and one half inch). Liberally coat the bottom of a frying pan with sesame oil, add tofu and soy sauce, sprinkle dried dried basil over pieces. Cover and cook on high heat until starting to brown, then flip pieces over and cook on medium heat until other side starts to brown. For the picky kid, mush with a fork into rice and serve in a big bowl with fruit and vegetables on a separate plate. For everyone else, consider adding pepper and serve over steamed white or brown rice. 

Mom mom’s baked chicken

Need: Boneless/skinless thicker cut chicken breasts, herb or Italian flavored breadcrumbs, grated parmesan cheese, butter (or Smart Balance).

Melt butter in one bowl. In another bowl, mix equal parts breadcrumbs and parmesan cheese.

Rinse chicken, pat dry. Dip the chicken first into the melted butter, then into the breadcrumb mixture until well coated, then place onto baking pan. Drizzle any remaining melted butter onto the chicken. Bake at 350° for 25-30 minutes (until chicken is cooked through).

Serve with rice, noodles, couscous, or bulgur wheat, salad or frozen mixed vegetables that steam right in the bag, and fresh pineapple or other kid-pleasing fruit.

Bon Appetite,

Julie Kardos, MD and Naline Lai, MD
©2011 Two Peds in a Pod®

Two Peds goes undercover at your local pharmacy

Picture the Mission Impossible theme song in your head… da da da DUM DUM da da da DUM DUM dadada…dadada…dadada…DA DA! Keep this background music playing as you read.

Recently, Two Peds in a Pod went undercover as two unsuspecting moms surveying the scene on the shelves of a local chain pharmacy, seeking to uncover what medicines, ointments, and therapies avail themselves to the unsuspecting consumer. Today we break open the case.

All medication labels have an “active ingredient” list. This list contains the actual medicine that acts on your child’s body to hide symptoms or cure a condition.  Read this list carefully so that you know what you are actually giving your child. For example, Flu-Be-Gone claims it “cures the aches and cough of flu and helps your child sleep better.” In order to know just what is actually in Flu-Be-Gone, you need to read the active ingredients. Included might be acetaminophen (brand name Tylenol), a fever reducer and pain reliever, and diphenhydramine (brand name Benadryl), allergy medicine that has the common side effect of causing drowsiness and has some mild anti-cough properties. Notice neither active ingredient actually kills the flu germ. Additionally, you may already have these two medications in your medicine cabinet, or you might have already given your child diphenhydramine recently and giving Flu-Be-Gone would overdose your child. 

Also note, diphenhydramine is everywhere. If you see the word “sleep” or “PM” in the name of a product, you will usually find diphenhydramine in the active ingredient list. 

Now, let’s hone in on your choices for the anti-itch therapy, hydrocortisone. When your child’s health care provider advises treating an itchy bug bite, poison ivy, or allergic rash with hydrocortisone, make sure that the ACTIVE INGREDIENT in the product is “hydrocortisone 1%.” Hydrocortisone comes as a cream, ointment, spray, or stick (looks like a glue stick) and can have aloe, menthol, or other ingredients thrown in as well. Don’t bother with anything less than maximum strength. Regular strength is 0.5% and is generally ineffective.  Also, keep in mind that while ointment is absorbed a bit better, it is more greasy/messy than cream.

Don’t be fooled into thinking products with the same brand name contain similar active ingredients. 
Also, do not depend on your doctor to necessarily know the difference between the all the formulations.We noticed that the same brand name pain reliever, such as Midol, can have different active ingredients depending on which one you choose. Midol Teen contains acetaminophen, Midol liquid gels contains ibuprofen,  and Midol PM contains acetaminophen and diphenhydramine.

Let’s talk bellyache. Did you know that kids should not take adult pepto bismol because it has a form of aspirin in it? Aspirin may cause Reye’s syndrome, a fatal liver disorder. However, we did see a product called Children’s Pepto Bismol and guess what the active ingredient is? It is calcium carbonate, which is the SAME active ingredient as in Tums, and is safe to give kids. However, watch your wallet: the children’s pepto bismol that we found cost $6.00 for a box of 24 tablets. The TUMS that we found cost $4.50 for a bottle of 150 tablets of the same stuff, just in slightly higher dose. Check with your child’s doctor but in most cases, the kids can take the adult dose.

Also, be aware that cold and cough medicine have not been shown to treat colds successfully or even to actually relieve symptoms in most kids. In fact these medicines have potential for harmful side effects, accidental overdose, or accidental ingestion and are just not worth giving your children. However, we found tons of cold and cough medicines marketed for children. Here are the three most commonly used active ingredients:

  • If you see “suppressant” you will likely find “dextromethoraphan” in the active ingredient list.
  • If you see “expectorant” you will likely find “guaifenesin” in the active ingredient list.
  • If you see “decongestant” you will likely find “phenylephrine” in the active ingredient list.

Many products combine two or all three of the above. We ask, even if these ingredients did work well in kids and were not potentially dangerous, what is the POINT of combining a cough suppressant with an expectorant? Can you really have it both ways?

( Remember, that Mission Impossible theme is still playing in the background.)

A few other tidbits. “Dramamine,” used for motion sickness, gets broken down in the body to diphenhydramine, that allergy medicine that we already talked about. So look at cost differences when choosing a motion sickness medicine. Both have the same side effect: sleepiness.

Many cough drops contain corn syrup and sugar. This is the same stuff lollipops are made of, so just call a candy a candy and keep your child’s throat wet with the cheaper choice, if you choose to do so.

Finally, we found one “natural children’s cough medicine” which claimed that it is superior because of its “all natural ingredients.” The first active ingredient listed? Belladonna. Sure it’s natural because it comes from a plant. So does marijuana. Just because it’s “natural” doesn’t mean it’s safe. Belladonna can cause delirium, hallucinations, and death and in fact has been used in high doses as a poison! Leave the cough medicine on the store shelf, and read our post about other ways to soothe a cough.

Bottom line:  remember always to check the “active ingredient” list when buying any over-the-counter medication for your children.

As we were wrapping up our mission, one of the pharmacy employees came over to us, raised an eyebrow at our clipboard, and asked, “Can I help you ladies with anything?” We were tempted to answer “YES, can you help us take notes?”  but we just smiled and said “No, we’re fine, thanks. Just checking out what’s available.”

So now, we will don our stethoscopes and come out of hiding, go back into our offices and onto our website. Thanks for tuning in to this episode of Two Peds in a Pod…. Da da da, DUM DUM da da da, DUM DUM dadada…dadada…dadada…DA DA!!!

Julie Kardos, MD with Naline Lai, MD
©2011 Two Peds in a Pod®

Don’t be rash: tidbits about Lyme disease, poison ivy, and sunburn protection

In today’s podcast we discuss how to spot the rash of lyme disease, what to do about poison ivy, and  how to avoid sunburns. Pictured below is a creative way one child found to block the sun effectively. Notice there’s  no burn underneath the areas of skin which were once covered by temporary tattoos.


Naline Lai, MD and Julie Kardos, MD

©Two Peds in a Pod®

Avoiding allergy eyes

allergyeyes“I see green stuff all over my car and I park  in the garage,” a mom said to me today.

The pollen count is high on the east coast and with it comes green cars and  itchy eyes. Eighty  percent of the older kids I saw today, including those seen for routine check-ups, had red irritated eyes.

So what to do?  Pollen directly irritates eyes, so start with washing the pollen off. One parent told me he applied cool compresses to his child’s eyes. This is not enough- get the pollen off. Plain tap water works as well as a saline rinse. Filter the pollen out of your house by running the air conditioning. Some people will leave shoes outside the house and wipe the paws of their dogs in order to keep the green stuff from tracking into the house.

Oral medications do not help the eyes as much as topical eye drops. Over-the-counter antihistamine drops include ketotifen fumarate (eg. Zatidor and Alaway). Prescription drops such as Pataday or Optivar add a second ingredient called a  mast cell stabilizer. Avoid use of a product which contains a vasoconstictor (look on the label or ask the pharmacist) for more than two to three  days to avoid rebound redness. Contacts can be worn with some eye drops– first check the package insert. Place drops in a few minutes before putting in contacts and avoid wearing contacts when the eyes are red.

Hopefully allergy season  will blow through soon. After all, as a couple teens pointed out-prom is around the corner and allergies can make even the young look haggard. One teen male told his mom that he shaved today  because having a beard and blood shot eyes made him look THIRTY years old.

Miserable allergies!

Naline Lai, MD with Julie Kardos, MD

©2011 Two Peds in a Pod® , rev 5/8/2013, rev 2015

Myth: butter’s better on a burn

One of Dr. Lai’s patients burned his arm on a hot cookie sheet. The child stopped further injury by immediately running the area under cool water. However, his well-meaning great-aunt decided to then apply butter to the burn. Please, do NOT put butter immediately on a burn. It’s like putting butter on a hot skillet.

We’re not sure where the myth of putting butter on a burn comes from. A better idea for pain control, after applying cool water for a few minutes, is to offer the child a pain reliever such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin).

Burns caused by fire or burns covering large body areas are best treated at a hospital, but your first response, as you call 911, should be to get that burn in cool water. Run the water for several minutes. To avoid shock or extreme cold injury, do not use ice water. Don’t remove clothing stuck to skin but go ahead and put the burn and the stuck clothing in cool water. 

Most burns sustained at home are mild or may cause blisters. Burns are easily infected because when you burn away skin, you burn away an excellent barrier to germs. Washing the affected area with soap and water and applying a topical antibiotic such as Bacitracin twice daily can prevent infection. Avoid popping blisters- you will take away a protective layer of skin.

Please remember that unlike for cookie batter, butter is not better for burns. Please pass this post on to anyone you know who cares for your children…it’s “hot off the press.”

Julie Kardos, MD and Naline Lai, MD
©2011 Two Peds in a Pod®

Revised 5/17/2015

Allergy Meds- the quest for the best antihistamine

The antihistamine quandry


Junior’s nose is starting to twitch

His nose and his eyes are starting to itch.

As those boogies flow
You ask oh why, oh why can’t he learn to blow?

It’s nice to finally see the sun

But the influx of pollen is no fun.

Up at night, he’s had no rest,

But which antihistamine is the best?


It’s a riddle with a straight forward answer. The best antihistamine, or “allergy medicine” is the one which works best for your child with the fewest side effects. Overall, I don’t find much of a difference between how well one antihistamine works versus another for my patients. However, I do find a big difference in side effects.


Oral antihistamines differ mostly by how long they last, how well they help the itchiness and their side effect profile.  During an allergic reaction, antihistamines block one of the agents responsible for producing swelling and secretions in your child’s body, called histamine.  


Prescription antihistamines are not necessarily “stronger.” In fact, at this point there are very few prescription antihistamines. Most of what you see over-the-counter was by prescription only just a few years ago. And unlike some medications, the recommended dosage over-the-counter is the same as what we used to give when we wrote prescriptions for them.


The oldest category, the first generation antihistamines work well at drying up nasal secretions and stopping itchiness but don’t tend to last as long and often make kids very sleepy.  Diphendydramine (brand name Benadryl) is the best known medicine in this category.  It lasts only about six hours and can make people so tired that it is the main ingredient for many over-the-counter adult sleep aids.  Occasionally, kids become “hyper” and are unable to sleep after taking this medicine. Other first generation antihistamines include Brompheniramine (eg. brand names Bromfed and  Dimetapp) and Clemastine (eg.brand name Tavist).


The newer second generation antihistamines cause less sedation and are conveniently dosed only once a day. Loratadine (eg. brand name Alavert, Claritin) is biochemically more removed from diphenhydramine from than Cetirizine (eg. brand Zyrtec) and runs a slightly less risk of sleepiness. However, Cetirizine tends to be a better at stopping itchiness.

Now over-the-counter, fexofenadine (eg brand name Allegra) is a third generation antihistamine.  Theoretically, because a third generation antihistamine is chemically the farthest removed from a first generation antihistamine, it causes the least amount of sedation. The jury is still out.


If you find your child’s allergies are breaking through oral antihistamines, discuss adding a different category of oral allergy medication, eye drops or nasal sprays with your pediatrician.


Because of decongestant side effects in children, avoid using an antihistamine and decongestant mix.


Back to our antihistamine poem:


Too many choices, some make kids tired,

While some, paradoxically, make them wired.

Maybe while watering flowers with a hose,

Just turn the nozzle onto his runny nose.


Naline Lai, MD with Julie Kardos, MD

©2011 Two Peds in a Pod®

Spring Break Surprises: preparing for illness

As spring break approaches, here are some ways to handle sickness while traveling with your children when you are far away from your children’s primary care provider.

  • If your child has a health condition that is intermittent, such as asthma, bring his inhaler, spacer, or any other medication. Even if he hasn’t had a flair up for months, it is much safer to travel prepared. Don’t forget your child’s epi-pen if she has a history of food allergies. If your child’s healthcare provider holds a United States license and you are not in the United States, your healthcare provider can not call in routine medications.
  • If your child has a complicated health history, bring a typed summary of his health history including current medications. 
  • Decide beforehand where you will seek medical help if your child becomes ill . Maybe it is a pediatric or family medicine office that accepts new patients, a walk-in clinic, or an emergency room that sees children. Your child’s health care provider’s ability to diagnosis and treat your child is limited over the phone. Kids are much safer diagnosed in person with the benefit of a thorough physical exam.
  • Travel with the basics: 1) pain reducer such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen for headaches, minor injuries, or aches associated with fever, 2) a quick acting allergy medicine such as diphenhydramine (brand name Benedryl) in case of an allergic reaction such as hives, 3) anti-itch cream such as hydrocortisone in case of annoying bug bites or contact rashes such as poison ivy, 4) a topical over the counter antibiotic in case of skin scrapes, and 5) band aids. Remember to first wash any break in skin with soap and water.
  • Bring your child care provider’s telephone number. Even if she cannot provide a final diagnosis, she can provide advice and guidance as to whether or not you need to take your child to a local health care provider.
  • Make sure your child is fully vaccinated. You can’t vouch for the health of other people you encounter on your travels. It is much easier to prevent illness than chase it after it strikes. Likewise, practice good hand washing hygiene.
  • Travel outside of the United States may require specific vaccinations or preventative medications.  Call a local travel clinic or check www.cdc.gov for advice on specific countries.

Kids have a knack for knowing just which week of the year their family will travel and then get sick during that one planned-for week.  I remember the spring vacation that our twins awoke with fevers on our first day away from home. Fortunately, my children travel with their pediatrician. Families who leave their pediatrician behind when they go on vacation can empower themselves with the knowledge of how to handle illness away from their medical home.

Or, there’s the option of inviting the pediatrician along… especially if you’re headed somewhere warm…

Julie Kardos, MD with Naline Lai, MD

©2011 Two Peds in a Pod®

Social media: the stats, risks and benefits

The American Academy of Pediatrics issued a clinical report today  on the impact of  social media on our children and teens. Ironically, Dr. Lai heard about it first on her Facebook.

Julie Kardos, MD with Naline Lai, MD

©2011Two Peds in a Pod®

Explaining tragedy to children


When the first news of the earthquake and subsequent tsunami rolled in from Japan last week, my family started to track down news of my cousin who resides in Tokyo with her husband and two sons. We were relieved to hear of shaken china and toppled bookshelves but no injuries. My nephew was on a school field trip that day and the bus was delayed, but he got home safely the next day. They were physically safe, but mentally shaken.

Even though the event may be half a world away, explaining a large scale tragedy such as what happened in Japan to children is tough; especially in this case when the uncertainty of a nuclear meltdown still looms and images of a struggling Haiti still fill the newsfeeds.

Understand that kids sense your emotions even if you don’t tell them. Not telling them about an event may make them concerned that they are the cause for your worried hushed conversations. Break away from your discussion with adults to say, “ Do you know what we are talking about? We are not talking about you.”   

Tell the facts in a straight forward, age appropriate manner. Answer questions and don’t be afraid to answer with an “I don’t know.”  Preschoolers are concrete in their thinking—dragons are real and live under their bed, so don’t put any there that do not exist. For a preschooler a simple “Mom is sad because a lot of people got hurt,” will suffice. Young school age kids will want to know more details. And be prepared to grapple with more high level questions from teens.

If the kids ask,” Will that happen here?” or “Why did that happen?” Again, reassure in a simple straight forward manner. For instance you can say, “Many people are working hard to prevent something like that here.” Consider answering the question with a question. Asking “What do you think?” will give you an idea of exactly what your child fears. You can also reach out to other family supports for help with answers. Say to your child, ”I wonder what our minister or school counselor has to say about this, let’s ask.”

Routine is reassuring to children, so turn off the background 24 hour television coverage and make dinner, take them to sports activities, and get the homework done.

Give your kids something tangible to do to be helpful. Help them set up a coin donation jar at school or put aside part of their allowance for a donation.

If your child seems overly anxious and fearful, and her worries are interfering with her ability to conduct her daily activities, such as performing at school, sleeping, eating, and maintaining strong relationships with family and friends, then seek professional help.

You may not hold the answers to why a large scale tragedy strikes, but you do hold the ability to comfort and reassure your children.

Naline Lai, MD with Julie Kardos, MD

©2011 Two Peds in a Pod®

Teaching kids a culture of over eating- parts 2&3 of Pediatric Childhood Obesity

In Part 1 of our talk, we presented the problems with pediatric obesity and provided six seemingly  simple rules to follow that can help encourage your kids to become or maintain a healthy weight. But why is it so hard to follow these rules? In Parts two and three of our talk, we play out several common scenarios that illustrate our culture of over eating and suggest ways to change this culture.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euhF3MAoWeY&w=480&h=390]
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z09_uj2tP_I&w=480&h=390]

As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions.

Naline Lai, MD and Julie Kardos, MD
©2011 Two Peds in a Pod®