Browsing Category


  • When a pet dies

    Today we welcome Bereavement Counselor Amy Keiper-Shaw who shares with us how to discuss the death of a pet with your child. –Drs. Lai and Kardos When I first graduated from college…

  • Prevent colds and flu!

    We have seen many patients with nasty colds lately, and we know that a few cases of flu recently popped up in our area of the United States.  Take a look at…

  • Alleviating indoor allergies

    ‘Tis the season for indoor allergies. We’re all inside a lot, and the heat is blowing through dry, dusty vents. With our energy-saving windows and doors, we’ve created houses where the allergens…

  • Escape from Candy Land

      We welcome back health coach Mary McDonald (the mom who overhauled her kids’ sports snack stand), to provide advice on how to survive what Dr. Shifrin referred to last week as Candy Season.…

  • Beyond Halloween

    We enjoyed meeting Pediatric media expert Dr. Don Shifrin, whose interviews have appeared in numerous publications including Good Housekeeping, the Wall Street Journal, and Time blogs. Today he writes about the “fifth season”…

  • Got milk? myths about milk

    We’ve heard some interesting things about cow’s milk over the years. I am going to share with you four myths about milk that I continue to hear from my patients’ parents. Spoiler:…

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