Browsing Category


  • Beware the bewitching hour

    Every day across the United States, sometime between 4:00 to 5:00 PM, millions of small children are crying and whining. Welcome to the bewitching hour.   In our offices it’s bedlam during that…

  • That bites: recognizing spider bites

    Wondering what crawled into your child’s room and bit her in the middle of the night? If you see two little pinpricks side by side, it’s probably a spider. Spider fangs make…

  • When it’s not comfort food

    The preschool class was going on a field trip to a park.  It was a breezy spring day and the four-year-old boy with the closely cropped hair was thrilled.  Even though he…

  • Bye-bye food pyramid, hello myplate

    We love it! With MyPlate, the United States Department of Agriculture’s new depiction of “a good diet” is easier to understand than the food pyramid. Mentally cut your kid’s plate in half.…

  • French without the fry

    I love French fries, I mean really, who doesn’t? They’re probably one of the most delicious treats on the planet, but unfortunately they’re also one of the worst treats when it comes…

  • Two Years Old!

    All about Two Happy Birthday to us: Two Peds in a Pod is two years old today. In honor of this momentous day, we share some of the ups and downs of two-year-olds. Upside:…

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