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  • Potty Training Pearls

    “Potty training—will it ever end?” many parents ask. Time moves in slow motion for parents teaching their kids to use the potty. For those trapped in a training time warp, take heart.…

  • Urinary Frequency Syndrome

      The grand finale… the music blares, a giant grey mouse dances on the stage, and six full tables of kids look on a s six children wearing sparkling birthday hats simultaneously…

  • MRSA: Myths and Reality

    Today our guest blogger, infectious disease specialist Dr. Amanda Paschke, shares her expertise about an increasingly diagnosed infection that is mostly “skin deep” but occasionally can be more serious — Drs. Kardos…

  • Celebrate! Happy New Year 2013

    Happy 2013! Time start those new year resolutions. If you are like many families, your kids are up early anyway so you might as well get started (or maybe they never went…

  • Sore throat remedies for kids

      Many times parents bring their children with sore throats to our office to “check if it’s strep.” Some are disappointed to find out that their child does NOT have strep. Moms and Dads…

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