Debunking myths about soy, our guest blogger today is esteemed pediatrician Dr. Roy Benaroch. In practice near Atlanta, Georgia, he is an assistant clinical professor of pediatrics at Emory University, a father of three, and the…
Why does that big pimple always appear the night before prom, picture day, her sweet sixteenth birthday party or any other important event in your teen’s life? A rite of passage, acne…
Here’s a quick blast of more summer hints. Sunscreen: Apply SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of at least 15, and use more than you think is necessary. SPF gives you an idea of…
It’s June, a time of hellos and goodbyes. Change in routine can be tough. For some children and teens the transition from school year to summer unmasks depression. The signs…
This spotted the other day- tendonitis. In plain English, wrist pain at the base of the thumb from the strain of playing too much Nintendo DS/iPod touch or texting on your phone…
As the school year comes barreling to an end, I always find an assortment of students parading through my office with stress related ailments. Struggling to keep up in class can be…
Standing in line at a fast food restaurant off an East coast highway during spring break, I overheard the cashier greet the family in front of me by name. I cringed. Was…
One of my office nurses was clearly rattled when she came into work the other day. “I was in the Acme parking lot,” she told me. “The parking was tight. As…
Today, our esteemed guest pediatric physical therapist Deborah Stack helps us with therapy for twisted ankles. Dr. Stack has been a physical therapist for over 15 years and heads The Pediatric…
The newest trend in kidville- trading rubber bands in various shapes. The kids wear the bands like bracelets and strut around with the colorful bands jutting out in all directions from their arms…