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  • Super Summer Snacking Suggestions

    Emmy award winning journalist Janet Zappala, author, nutritionist, chef, and  mom, blogs for us today! _________________________ Summertime is in full swing and the snacking is easy. This is the season to grab…

  • Deconditioned by the aircondition

    Recently, we lost the air conditioning in our home. My family welcomed the sympathy as we fried in an early summer heat wave. My neighbors and co-workers all offered us time in…

  • A summer dot-to-dot puzzle

    What is it ? Pictured here are the toes of one of my best friend’s toddler. She is happy, has no fever, and plays nearly everyday in the neighborhood pool. The round shiny…

  • Swimmer’s Ear

    Dozens of kids are pouring into our offices or calling from the shore because of swimmers ear. Time to bring up from the archives info about swimmer’s ear and ways you can…

  • Hand-foot-mouth disease

    WE HAVE UPDATED THIS POST and added photos- please read it here.  We’re seeing a lot of this stuff around the office. It’s hand-foot-mouth disease, a common, self-limited illness caused by the…

  • Two Peds goes undercover at your local pharmacy

    Picture the Mission Impossible theme song in your head… da da da DUM DUM da da da DUM DUM dadada…dadada…dadada…DA DA! Keep this background music playing as you read.Recently, Two Peds in…

  • Avoiding allergy eyes

    “I see green stuff all over my car and I park  in the garage,” a mom said to me today. The pollen count is high on the east coast and with it…

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