Just in time for Father’s Day— the book Dad to Dad: Parenting Like a Pro. Written by our pediatrician colleague, Dr. David Hill, this North Carolina based Pediatrician brings a humorous, yet…
Welcome to summer! Some seasonal topics to read up on: a germ that lurks in pool water, itchy rashes from poison ivy, painful ears from swimmer’s ear and how to prevent kids…
Yow! Although I first cringed when I saw this splinter, it is actually one of my favorite kinds. It’s obvious and relatively easy to remove. Now that summertime is upon us, many…
Guest blogger pediatrician Heidi Román returns to us today to give practical advice on how to decrease potential toxins in your child’s environment. In today’s world we are surrounded by “stuff”. We…
My youngest child clambered off the bus Friday afternoon with a fixed grin across his face. “What are you doing here?” he asked curiously. Usually, I am not home in…
Today we bring you more advice from the Atlantic Regional Osteopathic Convention 2012 Adolescent session, where Dr. Amanda Manning updated us about adolescent vaccines. As always, be sure to review with your…
I have a confession to make. Two of my kids still have not had their blood cholesterol checked. You see, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), kids with…
We’re back from a Jersey Shore medical conference where we moderated the adolescent session of the Atlantic Regional Osteopathic Convention. In the next few weeks, we’ll be posting you advice gleaned from…
“What will happen if your grade drops from an “A” to a “C”?” I sometimes ask during a check-up. Many kids shrug and say, “Try harder next time, I suppose.” Others look shocked and anxious…
From the start, a family I know was suspicious of the hot tub sanitation at the resort where they recently stayed. As time went by, even though the water looked clear, the…