The green crosses in the photo signify that the building is a medical marijuana dispensing site. As the TMZ tour bus director pointed out the crosses when my family was recently on…
Hot! Pictured is a kid with a second degree burn. No, this burn wasn’t caused by hot water or by touching the stove, but by the sun. A sunburn is still a…
Dr. Kardos’s dad is a pediatrician and during our long grueling hours of residency training he’d always serve as a source of encouragement. One of my favorite memories will always be…
Yesterday morning we were aghast to read medical misinformation in the print edition of our local newspaper. Aghast, because we were the pediatricians interviewed for the content of a summer time tips article.…
What you forgot to tell the babysitter The first time my husband and I went out to dinner after our daughter was born, we walked out the door, got into the…
In honor of Father’s Day, we would love to hear your anecdotes of any “Doctor Dad” moments your children have experienced. Tell us about how your child’s dad or any father figure…
This Mother’s Day we bring you definitions inspired by our children and our patients. Don’t think we’ll out-hip Urban Dictionary, but we’re moms…. by definition we are not hip. Enjoy your day.…
What would you do if your child told you he or she was drinking or using other drugs? Standing with one’s mouth gaping open is probably not the best response. As your…
Today’s guest blogger, teacher and health coach Mary McDonald, teaches us how to understand the amount of sugar reported on nutrition labels and gives ideas for low sugar snacks —Drs. Lai and Kardos Can…
The antihistamine quandry Junior’s nose is starting to twitch His nose and his eyes are starting to itch. As those boogies flow You ask oh why, oh why can’t he learn to blow? …