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  • Got milk? myths about milk

    We’ve heard some interesting things about cow’s milk over the years. I am going to share with you four myths about milk that I continue to hear from my patients’ parents. Spoiler:…

  • Flu vaccine 2013-2014: what’s new?

    Pediatricians associate Back to School with “Time to get your flu vaccine.” At least this pediatrician mom does. As I try to figure out when I can get my own three children…

  • Arsenic in your food: an update

      Good News. Last year we responded to your concerns about arsenic in food, particularly rice, and shared with you the FDA’s recommendation at that time. We are relieved that after considerable…

  • Feeding picky eaters

    “You just don’t appreciate a picky eater until you have one. ” —Overheard at Dr. Lai’s dinner table. Picky eaters come in two major varieties. One kind is the child who eats the…

  • School backpack too heavy?

    Just in time for the fall sales, physical therapist Dr. Deborah Stack returns to give us the low-down on backpacks. ———————————- Believe it or not, there are only a few weeks left…

  • Overhauling the sports snack stand

    As you stand watching your budding baseball star at his five o’clock practice, the rest of your kids start to whine. “Please, please, please,” they say. “Can we go to the snack…

  • Understanding four-year-olds

      A favorite pediatrician party game is to guess the age of a child by observing his skills and body habitus. Most people are stumped when it comes to differentiating between preschoolers.…

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