Browsing Category


  • Traveling with Young Children

    You don’t appreciate how much your baby has grown until you attempt a diaper change on a plane. For families with young children, any holiday can become stressful when travel is involved.…

  • Thankful for Foster Parents

    A foster mom brought a new child into the office the other day and I smiled picturing her with her last foster child. This thanksgiving, Two Peds in a Pod is grateful for the foster parents who open…

  • What to do for your child’s ear pain

    “MY EAR HURTS!!!” Most parents  cannot diagnose their child’s source of ear pain, especially in the middle of the night. Even I can’t diagnose my own children at home because my portable otoscope,…

  • Croup’s cropping up

    We can tell from this past week at the office that croup season has started. DON’T PANIC! Read on to learn what to look for. Please also listen to our podcast on…

  • Sinus infection or a cold?

    You have a hole in your head. Actually, you have several. You, your children, and everyone else.   These dratted air pockets in your skull can fill with pus and cause sinus infections. Scientists hypothesize they once helped…

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