So many children (and their parents) have colds now. Really yucky colds, often accompanied by fever. Take heart that it’s not quite flu season- the yearly flu epidemic has not yet fully hit the…
Elementary school kids
We’re on Happy Healthy Kids! 12 Healthy Gift Ideas…
Parents ask us about fever more than any other topic, so here is what every parent needs to know: Fever is a sign of illness. Your body makes a fever in effort…
Babies are gooey. Spew tends to dribble out of every orifice and the ear is no exception. Devin’s mother tipped her four month old baby’s head sideways in the office the other…
Nearly seven years ago, on the swimming pool bleachers at the local Y, I happened to sit next to Lexi Logan. Above the echoing din of kids splashing, I discovered that although she…
When I was in first and second grade, I took “special gym.” I attended a public school in a small New Jersey town. The school building was about 100 years old, and the…
Many times parents bring their children with a sore throat to our office to “check if it’s strep.” Some are disappointed to find out that their child does NOT have strep. Moms and Dads…
Can you identify your child in any of these scenarios? -Your second grader comes off the school bus crying because another student was teasing him the entire ride home about his new…
In this time of United States “election stress,” we bring back guest bloggers psychologist Dr. Gage and pediatrician Dr. Penaflor’s post on how to build optimism in your children. Recently, my daughter’s friend…
Believe it or not, this post is for parents of kids who are already potty trained. Because sometimes even kids who are potty trained will refuse to use the toilet. Changes…