Parents can become frustrated when searching for effective therapeutic treatment for childhood anxiety. Parents want to know what works and what their child will experience. Cognitive behavioral therapy is one type of…
Elementary school kids
She’s eyeing your lip gloss and won’t wear clothes with animals or hearts on them anymore. She’s begging you for a Facebook account, but still talks to her dolls and holds her…
Two Peds in a Pod turns today to guest blogger Dr. Alan Woolf, Director of the Pediatric Environmental Health Center at Children’s Hospital Boston and president-elect of the American Academy of Clinical Toxicology, to…
A few days ago, I spoke with the faculty of a local early childhood education center about flu vaccine myths. See how you do on the true and false quiz I gave…
Move over liveStrong bracelets, move over Silly Bandz. Just when you thought you threw away the your last Oriental Trading Company gadget, here come “I Love Boobies” bracelets. As I see the…
Can you identify your child in any of these scenarios? -Your second grader comes off the school bus crying because another student was teasing him the entire ride home about his new…
Eeew! Pictured is the raw chicken I left sitting out in a pot for a day (inadvertently, of course). The putrid mess was teaming with germs and amongst them was probably salmonella.…
I conduct sports-clearance physicals by the dozens these days, and I notice that although most kids have endurance, they lack balance. Balance will save your child from twisting an ankle on uneven turf. Balance helps your…
Ah…you’ve tucked in your tired kids, now kick back and take out your Kleenex while you read Dr. Lai’s personal letter to her own child as she started school. The post is meant for…
Need ideas on what to pack in your child’s lunch bag? Beware of junk food masquerading as healthy food. Dr. Roxanne Sukol, an internist who writes the popular nutrition blog Your Health is…