Come visit us in Bucks County Monday February 28 from 7-8:30 pm for an interactive session on the prevention of childhood obesity. The talk, sponsored by Doylestown Hospital and CBCares, will be…
Elementary school kids
I spent all day doing laundry. All right, maybe it wasn’t all day but it sure felt like it. Cleaning up after a vomiting child can be tough in the winter time.…
A mom recently wrote to us about her grade school aged child’s bedtime creeping later while her wake up time stayed the same. She wondered how to reclaim the earlier bedtime. Many…
While much of the US is getting pummeled by the latest snow storm, we want to remind everyone to shovel out space around your home’s furnace vent. While some furnaces vent out…
Reporter Melanie Cutler interviews Two Peds in a Pod for Five Tips to Keep Your Child Healthy This Winter in the online news source…
Take a look at the February 2011 issue of Real Simple magazine. We are two of the experts cited on page 124. The good news is that some of our thoughts on the…
“The Great Recession has truly changed peoples’ attitudes towards money and parents are in need of help.” Thus observes award winning author John Lanza, our guest blogger today, who gives us ways…
We know the first time your child rides a two wheel bike or loses a tooth is a momentous occasion. In honor of January first, we’ve compiled a list of some of…
On Monday, your son Robby forgot his brown-bag lunch on the kitchen table. On Tuesday, he left his second grade homework on the school bus. On Wednesday, he jumped off a five-foot…
Dashing through the mall, having traded your one-horse open sleigh for a minivan, you have secured gifts for all creatures, including the mouse. Now you are ready to leave on a plane…