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Elementary school kids
Join Two Peds in a Pod as we chat with Janet Zappala, certified nutritional consultant/Emmy award winning television host, on her new internet radio show Food For Thought on Tuesday, Dec. 6th, at…
Pertussis is “whooping cough,” also known as the “100 day cough.” In children and adults, the disease starts out looking like a garden-variety cold, complete with runny nose, runny eyes, and…
In a couple of weeks my 16 month old nephew will visit my non-baby proofed house. Chances are, he will find things in my house to chew on besides turkey. The first…
Dr. Lai and her husband had a running debate about when to replace kitchen sponges. Today we thank guest blogger Dr. Karina Martino, Food Safety Engineer, for exposing the germs in our…
If you live on the East Coast of the United States, you were bombarded today by a surprise pre-Halloween snowstorm. Now that we have our power back, we thought we’d share with…
We’re back from the national American Academy of Pediatrics conference in Boston and we’re galvanized to make a positive impact on youth. Just in time for Red Ribbon Week, the national campaign…
Yes, yes, yes. There are many deadly diseases we can’t prevent, but we do have the power to prevent a few. We now have the ability to prevent your children from…
While many good books have been written on the subject of how to get your kids to listen to you, today we boil this topic down to a few key sticky points.…
I just watched “The Miracle Worker” with my oldest son. This classic 1962 movie depicts Helen Keller, who was deaf and blind, struggling to understand language, with the help and supreme patience…