Browsing Category

Elementary school kids

  • Spotting the rash of ringworm

    Although it’s called ringworm, this rash isn’t caused by a worm.  In fact, it barely looks like a worm. Otherwise known as tinea corporis, the patch of ringworm is usually a flesh…

  • The dirt on tetanus

    Look at this rusty old anchor atop an old fort. Rust plus dirt equals a perfect breeding ground for tetanus. As my kids scampered between different anchors last week, I quickly calculated…

  • Speck-tacular tonsilloliths

    Vacation! As I watched my kids scamper across the beach today, I remembered a conversation I had with a family recently. “My kid sometimes coughs up sand,” the mom said to me.…

  • Hold tight, but remember to let go

    Let’s think about universal parental admonishments:                 “Hold on tight.”                 “Be careful.”                 “Look out!”                 “Don’t let go.” Now let’s think about the universal goal of parenting: to create children…

  • Dad to Dad: Parenting Like a Pro

    Just in time for Father’s Day— the book Dad to Dad: Parenting Like a Pro. Written by our pediatrician colleague, Dr. David Hill, this North Carolina based Pediatrician brings a humorous, yet…

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