My kids and I cheered as we watched the Olympic swim races together on TV. Having just finished their first summer swim team season, they were especially interested in these events. While…
Elementary school kids
Although it’s called ringworm, this rash isn’t caused by a worm. In fact, it barely looks like a worm. Otherwise known as tinea corporis, the patch of ringworm is usually a flesh…
Look at this rusty old anchor atop an old fort. Rust plus dirt equals a perfect breeding ground for tetanus. As my kids scampered between different anchors last week, I quickly calculated…
It’s a heat wave and in extreme temperatures, kids, like adults, find it tough to go outside for physical activity. We find it perfect timing for the release of Dr. Pat Cantrell’s…
Two Peds in a Pod® turns three years old! In honor of our third birthday, we bring you our top ten parental experiences through the years list: “Helping” your child manage…
Vacation! As I watched my kids scamper across the beach today, I remembered a conversation I had with a family recently. “My kid sometimes coughs up sand,” the mom said to me.…
Let’s think about universal parental admonishments: “Hold on tight.” “Be careful.” “Look out!” “Don’t let go.” Now let’s think about the universal goal of parenting: to create children…
Lucky kid! My daughter’s first rock concert, and not only did her girlfriend score tickets to the hot teen band One Direction, but the girls sat in 9th row seats.…
Kinda cute. At least that’s what the medical books lead you to believe. They are described as little pink or flesh-colored dome-shaped harmless bumps with belly buttons. The little rash with the…
Just in time for Father’s Day— the book Dad to Dad: Parenting Like a Pro. Written by our pediatrician colleague, Dr. David Hill, this North Carolina based Pediatrician brings a humorous, yet…