You tuck your child into bed and five minutes later he cries for you. You bolt back in to find him moaning that his legs hurt. You rub his legs, he…
Elementary school kids
This Mother’s Day we bring you definitions inspired by our children and our patients. Don’t think we’ll out-hip Urban Dictionary, but we’re moms…. by definition we are not hip. Enjoy your day.…
Today’s guest blogger, teacher and health coach Mary McDonald, teaches us how to understand the amount of sugar reported on nutrition labels and gives ideas for low sugar snacks —Drs. Lai and Kardos Can…
The antihistamine quandry Junior’s nose is starting to twitch His nose and his eyes are starting to itch. As those boogies flow You ask oh why, oh why can’t he learn to blow? …
After reading Charlotte’s Web, by E.B. White, when I was eight, I became a vegetarian. It was the first time in my life I thought seriously about the source of my food. …
Stunned, you find your child’s third quarter report card under his bed. Your child told you he got an A, but the teacher’s report shows a lower grade. A much lower…
“Potty training—will it ever end?” many parents ask. Time moves in slow motion for parents teaching their kids to use the potty. For those trapped in a training time warp, take heart.…
The grand finale… the music blares, a giant grey mouse dances on the stage, and six full tables of kids look on a s six children wearing sparkling birthday hats simultaneously…
Last week we all sat on the couch watching the Super Bowl. If your kids are still on the couch, this post on indoor exercises by Dr. Deborah Stack is for you:…
“Mommy, I throwed up.” Few words are more dreadful for parents to hear, especially at 2:00am (my children’s usual time to start with a stomach bug). In my house, I am the…