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Elementary school kids

  • Escape from Candy Land

      We welcome back health coach Mary McDonald (the mom who overhauled her kids’ sports snack stand), to provide advice on how to survive what Dr. Shifrin referred to last week as Candy Season.…

  • Beyond Halloween

    We enjoyed meeting Pediatric media expert Dr. Don Shifrin, whose interviews have appeared in numerous publications including Good Housekeeping, the Wall Street Journal, and Time blogs. Today he writes about the “fifth season”…

  • The medical meaning of colors

      “Red and yellow and pink and green, purple and orange and blue…”  Please imagine the “I Can Sing a Rainbow” song playing in the background of this post as you “listen…

  • Got milk? myths about milk

    We’ve heard some interesting things about cow’s milk over the years. I am going to share with you four myths about milk that I continue to hear from my patients’ parents. Spoiler:…

  • Flu vaccine 2013-2014: what’s new?

    Pediatricians associate Back to School with “Time to get your flu vaccine.” At least this pediatrician mom does. As I try to figure out when I can get my own three children…

  • Arsenic in your food: an update

      Good News. Last year we responded to your concerns about arsenic in food, particularly rice, and shared with you the FDA’s recommendation at that time. We are relieved that after considerable…

  • Feeding picky eaters

    “You just don’t appreciate a picky eater until you have one. ” —Overheard at Dr. Lai’s dinner table. Picky eaters come in two major varieties. One kind is the child who eats the…

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