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Elementary school kids

  • Raising an optimist

    If you are in a part of the United States affected by the polar vortex shift, it’s tough to stay sanguine about the weather. How to create an optimistic child who can…

  • A vaccine parable by Dr. Benaroch

      Does it make sense to change your car’s tires one at a time? (A vaccine parable) Ron was puzzled. He had been a mechanic for many years, and had known Ms.…

  • Top parenting ideas for 2014

      Resolve to raise self-esteem, foster a sense of security, and encourage independence in your children in the new year. Here are our top parenting ideas for this year: 1-Read aloud to…

  • When a pet dies

    Today we welcome Bereavement Counselor Amy Keiper-Shaw who shares with us how to discuss the death of a pet with your child. –Drs. Lai and Kardos When I first graduated from college…

  • Prevent colds and flu!

    We have seen many patients with nasty colds lately, and we know that a few cases of flu recently popped up in our area of the United States.  Take a look at…

  • Alleviating indoor allergies

    ‘Tis the season for indoor allergies. We’re all inside a lot, and the heat is blowing through dry, dusty vents. With our energy-saving windows and doors, we’ve created houses where the allergens…

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