Many times parents bring their children with sore throats to our office to “check if it’s strep.” Some are disappointed to find out that their child does NOT have strep. Moms and Dads lament,…
Elementary school kids
Recent comments by politicians have brought vaccines back into the public eye. In this post, we get down to basics. Did you ever wonder how a vaccine works? To understand how vaccines…
It’s only a few weeks into the school year and we are running out of snack ideas for our kids. We looked back and found a couple of our favorite posts for snacks by…
Dr. Kardos says she still remembers when her friend dumped her back in 7th grade. Guest blogging for Two Peds in a Pod, is child and adolescent counselor Dina Ricciardi with advice to help…
(photo courtesy of Ouch! Stung on the scalp. Ouch! Stung on the hand. Ouch! Stung on the leg. Ouch! Ouch! Stung TWICE on the lips. Those nasty, nasty wasps. During the…
What is it? Pictured below are the toes of one of my best friend’s toddler. She is happy, has no fever, and plays nearly everyday in the neighborhood pool. The round…
There’s another game in town called “Find your true laugh,” but it is no laughing matter. One kid lies down and another kid either sits on the recumbent kid’s chest or pushes hard on…
You may not think of your kitchen as a convenient pharmacy, but parents used common kitchen items successfully to treat various maladies long before CVS and Walgreens were invented. Crisco– May not…
Today, as Two Peds in a Pod turns six years old, we think about our favorite six-year-old, Big Bird. A friend sent me this link to an interview with Caroll Spinney on…
It’s 100 degrees Fahrenheit outside. We’re hiking around the Southern Utah desert and one of my kids vomits once. Nope, it’s not the stomach bug; that was last vacation. This time one…