From the start, a family I know was suspicious of the hot tub sanitation at the resort where they recently stayed. As time went by, even though the water looked clear,…
Elementary school kids
Back by popular demand: our picky eater post, with bonus recipes at the end. “You just don’t appreciate a picky eater until you have one.” –Overheard at Dr. Lai’s dinner table…
Many of our patients have dogs in their homes, and many families choose to adopt a dog during summer. Unfortunately, dog bite rates are also highest in summer, and occur most often…
We see this a couple times a year… an earring which looks fine when viewed from the front… …is actually embedded when viewed from the back. When you flip up this child’s ear lobe, you…
This Mother’s Day, we honor Dr. Kardos’s mom, who passed earlier this year. Dr. Kardos and I had been planning a post on nasal congestion in kids, but because we couldn’t have…
I was greatly relieved recently when my teen arrived back from a music department trip to Disney without a sunburn. I had pictured a bright red cherry tomato coming off the plane.…
Lately, whenever I take my dog for her walk, she sneezes as soon as we get outside. I find it interesting that my vet says I can give her Claritin—the same dose that I take for my…
Our infectious disease colleagues warn us that this year, winter in the Northeast United States was not cold enough for long enough to kill off as many ticks as usual. Thus, we…
About 95 percent of all Americans know how to ride a bike and who taught them? Probably their parents. Joining us today is frequent guest blogger Dr. Deb Stack with pointers on…
Spelling test on Friday? Algebra unit test next week? SATs looming? Our guest blogger, child psychologist Dr. Jessica Collins, gives tips for calming test anxiety. Test anxiety is a common source of…