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  • Teen vegetarian diet basics

    “Monitor your child’s diet closely to make sure they are getting enough calories… Some teens need 4,000 calories a day when they’re in a growth spurt!” Check out the Children’s Hospital of…

  • Is it a cold or the flu?

    “Remember: colds = gradual and annoying. Flu = sudden and miserable.” Please read here for our post of how to tell if your your child has a cold or the flu. Stay…

  • The winter cold virus

    Honey, tar, and alcohol, oh my! Tucked away in a display at the Mercer Museum of Bucks County, Dr. Lai found this old bottle of cough syrup from the late 1800s. While…

  • Thank-you Magic: Happy Thanksgiving 2019

    Manners can work magic. Here’s how, when, and why to say “thank-you” to your children. “Thank-you for bringing your plate to the sink,” to your 2-year-old becomes “Thank-you for clearing the table,”…

  • All about strep throat

    Now that school has been in session for over a month, it’s not too early for you to learn all about strep throat. It might even save you a trip to the…

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