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  • We are patting our non-technological backs

    Our Face Book fan page was stagnant until now… we’ve finally figured out how to get our posts  out to our fans. Become our fan on Face Book and tell parents about us .…

  • H1N1: More vaccine info

    For all the kids who received separate seasonal and 2009 H1N1 (Swine flu) vaccines last year, there is good news from Kimberly Parnell, PhD, our favorite flu vaccine vigilant-scientist-mom (see the last…

  • Friends of Children Disaster Relief Fund

    Haiti, one of the poorest countries in theWestern Hemisphere, was struck by a devastating earthquake last week. If you are looking for a way to help the children, consider donating to the…

  • We Give Thanks

    “Three things we know for certain: a child is a gift, being a good parent is a blessing, and being a pediatrician is a privilege.” –author unknown This Thanksgiving, we want to…

  • Worry Wart : Getting rid of warts

    Emma’s dad and I both peered at the filamentous growth dangling from his nine year old’s right nostril.  “Yes,” I said, “it’s definitely a wart.”   Emma’s dad replied, “When I was a…

  • Technical talk

    We noticed Atom 1.0 readers did not pick up the podcast. Try the RSS 2 feed instead. Let us know about any technical glitches.  We are still very new to cyberspace and…

  • Tamiflu for influenza- be careful when dosing

    If your child’s health care provider prescribes the liquid form of Oseltamivir, brand name Tamiflu, to treat your child’s flu, pay particular attention to how you dose the medication. The dosing syringe…

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