Browsing Category


  • The gassy baby

    Gas is another topic most people don’t think much about until they have a newborn. Then suddenly gas becomes a huge source of parental distress, even though parents are not the ones…

  • Breast feeding and returning to work

    Picture this: you are going back to work after a too-short maternity leave. Briefcase? Check. Lunch? Check. Breast pump? Check. Photo of your baby to put on your pump for inspiration? Check.…

  • Teething warnings and tall tales

    About five years ago, we started noticing Amber Bead Necklaces adorning the necks of infants. We also noticed a plastic giraffe named Sophie. These relative newcomers are the latest in a long…

  • Happy Father’s Day 2015

    Enjoy Father’s Day, and enjoy the following poem written by our pediatrician colleague at CHOP Care Network Newtown, Dr. Bob Sasson. It depicts a common parenting quandary.– Drs. Kardos & Lai The…

  • Soothe the itch of poison ivy

    Recently we’ve had a parade of itchy children troop through our office.  The culprit: poison ivy. Myth buster: Fortunately, poison ivy is NOT contagious. You can catch poison ivy ONLY from the plant,…

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