Browsing Category


  • Sinus infection or a cold?

    You have a hole in your head. Actually, you have several. You, your children, and everyone else.   These dratted air pockets in your skull can fill with pus and cause sinus infections. Scientists hypothesize they once helped…

  • How to treat your vomiting child

      “Mommy, I throwed up.” Few words are more dreadful for parents to hear, especially at 2:00am (my children’s usual time to start with a stomach bug). In my house, I am…

  • Treat your child’s sore throat

    Many times parents bring their children with sore throats to our office to “check if it’s strep.” Some are disappointed to find out that their child does NOT have strep. Moms and Dads lament,…

  • In need of school snack ideas?

    It’s only a few weeks into the school year and we are running out of snack ideas for our kids. We looked back and found a couple of our favorite posts for snacks by…

  • Is my kid’s backpack too heavy?

    Although we see in the news that ebooks are replacing textbooks, our kid’s backpacks look heavier than ever. Returning is physical therapist Dr. Deborah Stack with backpack pointers. -Drs. Lai and Kardos…

  • Mommy, my friend dumped me

    Dr. Kardos says she still remembers when her friend dumped her back in 7th grade. Guest blogging for Two Peds in a Pod, is child and adolescent counselor Dina Ricciardi with advice to help…

  • Does my baby have GERD or spit-up?

    In our office, two-month-old Max smiles ear to ear, naked except for a diaper and a bib. His worried mom asks me about the large amounts of spit up Max spews forth…

  • Marijuana: Hashing out Fact from Fiction

    With some states now legalizing pot for recreational use, drug education for kids has never been more critical. The American Academy of Pediatrics released a policy statement this past year opposing legalization…

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