Browsing Category


  • Seasonal allergies: a review

    Everything has a season, incluing seasonal allergies. In our area near Philadelphia, we associate spring with the Phillies opener and also with the onset of spring allergies. Here is a nice summary…

  • Help for ear pain

    Did your child wake up in the middle of the night crying from ear pain? Fortunately, not every child with an earache has an actual ear infection. However, all children with earaches…

  • Headaches in children

    “Mom, Dad, my head hurts!” Sound familiar? It’s probably not the first time ‘round this rodeo, but ever wonder if your child’s headache could be a sign of something more problematic? The…

  • Which is it: the flu, RSV, or COVID?

    Parents ask us every day the difference between the flu (influenza), RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), or COVID (coronavirus disease 2019). While no method is fool proof, here are some typical differences among…

  • What to do if you suspect RSV

    Cold and flu season is upon us earlier than usual. Click here for our contribution to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s Health Tip on What to do if you suspect RSV (Respiratory syncytial…

  • How to help your gassy baby

    Do you have a gassy newborn? Please read our tips on how to help your gassy baby in the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s Health Tip of the Week. Trust us, it’s a…

  • Is your college kid homesick?

    Now that the excitement of the first weeks of college have gone by, your first year college student may be homesick. What can a parent do? We point you to last year’s…

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