The definition of happy: Mother’s Day 2013!


mother's day cartoonThis Mother’s Day we bring you definitions inspired by our children and our patients. Don’t think we’ll out-hip Urban Dictionary, but we’re moms…. by definition we are not hip. Enjoy your day.


Sleep walker: the daytime state of a new mom.


Sweater: a garment worn by a child when his mother feels cold.


Displacement:  a vacation with toddlers.


Sick: something moms are not allowed to become.


WOW: MOM upside-down.

Mommometer: a mom’s hand on a feverish forehead.


One zillion: number of times a mom says “wash your hands” to her children over the course of their childhoods.


Yesterday: when the sports/camp/school field trip form was due.
Today: when the child hands the mom the sports/camp/school field trip form.

Working mother: Every Mom


Water torture: a grade-school son’s interpretation of a mom’s announcement of “shower night.”


Boomerang: a mom’s realization that her child is acting like she did at the same age.


Happy Mother’s Day from your two Pediatrician Moms,

Julie Kardos, MD and Naline Lai, MD

©2013 Two Peds in a Pod®


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