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  • Top Ten Skills You Acquire as a Mother

    As Mother’s Day approaches, we give you our first Two Peds in a Pod “Top Ten List.”  Top Ten Skills You Acquire as a Mother      10)  Not being completely grossed out by…

  • Subduing stress: relaxation techniques

    As the school year comes barreling to an end, I always find an assortment of students parading through my office with stress related ailments. Struggling to keep up in class can be…

  • Making Sense of Ear Pain

    “Help, help, my EAR HURTS!!!” I admit to having no statistics on this observation, but as a pediatrician and a mom, I have observed that ear infections strike disproportionately on Friday nights.…

  • Traveling With Children

    As I pack for an upcoming family vacation, I am reminded of the numerous questions over the years that parents have asked me about traveling with children. Often they ask, what is the…

  • Do Vaccines Cause Autism?

    Do vaccines cause autism? Concerned parents ask me this question, and I am relieved to be able to tell them “NO.” Amazingly, most of the autism/vaccine hoopla can be traced to one…

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